Hey all,
Well, I have to share this with you, because it was a YOU GO GIRL moment!!!
I went back to school recently, I am a part time teacher in two schools in NJ. (I haven't gone back to one of them yet..this coming Monday will be THAT debut!!)
There were parents and kids just gaping and cheering me. Some didn't even know it was ME!!! YEEEHAAAAA!!!! I have lost 73 pounds since they saw me in June! I had one seventh grader refer to me as his "wife"! I was hysterical! I guess I am ALL THAT, even to a 12 year old!! (don't get the wrong idea, guys!!)
You know, we all need those words and gestures of encouragement, no matter how much we have it together on our own. Hearing this from kids.. (I teach pre-K to 8) when you KNOW they say what's on their mind.. was a real UPPER!! One girl in the 8th grade said to me.. Man.. you lost MAD WEIGHT!!!
It was a riot. Anyway, parents came up to me in the school yard.. DYING TO KNOW my secret!
"DID YOU GO FOR ONE OF THOSE MAKE-OVERS"??? Well, you know, I guess I did. We all did!! We have given ourselves a great gift.
I wish everyone well, and the strength to run with this power we have! Be the best YOU that you can be!!! We aren't "changing".. we are becomming who we were meant to be all along!!
Best of luck to all!!
Rossana...Music Teacher!