wow moment
I know this is silly but I came into work today and began going threw the uniforms that are building up in my office. I should say I am the technical coordinator for a busy EMS system in New Jersey. I deal with the uniforms as one side of my job. Well, I am folding pants and shirts, some of them my old ones, and I decided I was going to try on a few for fun. Let me start this with I was a 44 waist in pants and a 2xl in a shirt before surgery. Off to the bathroom I go with a medium shirt and 36 and 34 waist pants. I grabbed the 34 pants and decided to try them on figuring it would give me a goal to shoot for. I slip them up and BUTTON THEM!!!!!!!!!! I then put on the medium shirt and it fit too. Now I open the door and I am running around our office yelling then fit they fit. Fortunately everyone here has been very supportive of my journey so they didn't call security or the psych unit to come get me.
Just thought I would share. Got to run to the uniform store now to get my new pants shortened. Have a good day all.
GOOD JOB Eileen !!!
Fantastic ! Exciting isnt it? I am excited for you... hehehehe I know how I felt going from 9x to 4x.. and still have more to go. kudos in your new weight loss : )
Eileen if your around tomorrow night, Saturday.. we are having a live chat. 8pm.. if your around it should be fun if some folks show up : )
Have a super day.. and congratulations !!!
Timmy ray
Much congrats Eileen!!! I can't wait to experience that feeling!
Although I don't wear a uniform, I experience something similar to that.
When I get my hair done at the salon I go to, I have to wear 2 with the opening in the back goes on first, then the one with the opening in the front goes on second. They don't have capes big enough for me, nor are their chairs "big girl friendly"! But as all women can understand, I've been going to the same girl for years, and she knows what I want, and does my hair beautifully, AND I'm too embarassed to make a comment and/or suggestion.
I can't wait for the day when I can go in there and only have to wear one cape THE CORRECT WAY!!! And, AND, not have to worry about breaking the chair, nor having pain and getting bruises on my hips/thighs for being scrunched into the chair.
You have truly given me encouragement that great days are about to come!
Thanks for posting!
Take care!
Time for Timmy Ray to come out of the closet.... *deep breath*
Timmy Ray does not have naturally curly hair...
YES.. its true..
Timmy Ray gets perms.... EEEKKK.... so.. open.. exposed.... aggggghhhh
which for a GUY...
A card carrying REDNECK... is so.. ga.... ga...... Light loafered !!!
No, just kidding ; ) I am secure in my curly haired manhood I am telling you... : P Been getting perms for 25 years now.
I do get perms... my hair has a natural..BAD..killer double cowlick.... and I get perms and then cut really short... what can I say.... tried the electric curling route (not the normal human curling iron version.....but the redneck light socket version..) Too much juice not enough curl :P
Just before our Reception on August 16th...I fit in the little sink for the first time.... most of the time I have to *perch* over the sink for the five minute rinse after the perm solution and rinse and the neutralizer...
MY NECK fit the sink for the first time. Small victory but much easier on the back and neck. *solemn nod*.
Hey if I didnt share these PRESSING bits of information how would you know I was properly and truly nutty? hmmmmm? We cant be having anyone think Im NORMAL.. for gosh sakes.
Have a good weekend.. wendy wendy
Timmy Ray : )