How do I?
Both Doctor Bertha and Morristown memorial have support groups. Morristown also has eating support groups too. The one for Dr. Bertha is tomorrow night at 630 at I believe it is the old town inn. This is in Basking Ridge. IF you call the office they will tell you. I go there but it is oh yea there it is type thing. When you have your surgery at Morristown they will give you a packet with all the dates and times of the different groups on it. Good luck and see you on the losing side.
My surgeon - Dr. Michael Nusbaum (out of St. Barnabas) has a support group and it's a bit closer to you than Dr. Bertha's if you'd like to try them before you get into the swing with Dr. Bertha.
The next one is Wednesday, June 1 @ 6 PM at the St. Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center across from the Livingston Mall.
If you'd like directions or details - just drop me a line.