on 4/13/05 6:13 pm - Clifton, NJ
I went to a shrink on March 15 and less then a week later I told him please send a evaluation to my surgeon (he said I was OK to have it). A couple of weeks ago they said it would cost $25.... OK... I sent the money (a couple weeks ago). I'm still waiting for them to send this psch-evaluation to my surgeon I called them since Tuesday and they seem to be giving me the run around. They gave me another number to call I called that number, they said call the other number back... and I even have my surgeon sec calling and "nothing"... What could I do? My insurance company needs this before my surgery. My surgery is 5/25 It is now 4 am and I can't sleep because I think they are not going to sent the report. phil
on 4/14/05 12:32 am - Elizabeth, NJ
Phil: I would show up at their doorstep and demand a copy of the report. After all, you paid for it and you have a right to a copy. I found out that sometimes you have to "get ugly" with them to get it done. Jesse
on 4/14/05 10:14 am - NJ
Just show up in their office and tell them you must have a copy of the report TODAY. Say it nicely but firmly. They'll get the picture. Good luck, Marie
walter A.
on 4/14/05 12:02 pm - lafayette, NJ
hi,phil, stopped off for the phsy,on the way to the intial consult,12 oclock in white plains, the report was waitting for me at the doctors office by the time i drove to e70th st and parked the car and i didnt know where i was going, 2pm, so if your phys, has a problem, get in his face, i went out of net for 175, cause it would be hassle free to go where the doctors case manager felt most comfortable.
on 4/14/05 11:21 pm - Clifton, NJ
Thanks all... I was thinking the same thing but did not want them to think I'm nuts (no pun)... It just bothers me to get the run around and I just could not sleep worrying that I would not be approved because I did not cross my T's or doted my I's. I'm nervous about this operation in the first place I don't need more stuff to worry about (but on a high note) all my other testing and insurance stuff is going smooth. Phil
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