I am so happy I am going to cry
. For the first time in over 10 years I am under 300 lbs. I weighed myself today and I am 298 lbs! Thats a total loss of -77 lbs
. I still have a ways to go, but this is a true miracle to me. I knew that this surgery would help me to lose weight and eventually shrink down in sizes but in no way did I imagine it all happening so fast. I can not remember the last time I lost this much weight and in such a short amount of time. Whenever I get discouraged or feeling down I will remember this day. And I will remember the girl 3 months ago who was not able to weigh herself on a home scale because the scale didn't register that high. For anyone who might be reading this and considering this surgery, questioning it or just not sure..I am one of the many people who are living proof that you CAN change your life and your unhealthy ways. What a miracle this is and what a journey it has been up to now. I can only imagine what is in store as long as I continue down the right road. For the first time in a very long time I can look into the future with excitement and hope instead of uncertainty and despair. God bless all....
LAP RNY 11/24/04