Hello fellow New Jersians
I haven't posted here in awhile but decided a while ago that I am going to venture further in OH and I am going to start here. I have been through alot and I am STILL here I am down from 243lbs on May 24th (my surgery date) to currently 150lbs. My weight fluctuates here and there but ultimately the inches to me are what count. Shoot, I am able to fit my sons jeans now
and that is what I get the biggest kick out of. I am here to share my WL struggles and at times it can be about personal struggles but I promise to try and keep it WL related at most
Hope everyone is doing ok since their surgery in May....and I would really enjoy some feedback on exactly where everyone is considering all of our WLS anniversaries are coming up pretty soon
Let a sister know whats really up!
Hope to hear from you guys and look forward to posting here more often

Glad to see you on the Jersey board; Long time, no talk! I've been doing the same thing, visiting other boards and enjoying the journey. Congrats on your weight loss and achievement. I am now 4 days pre-op and just got off the phone with the hospital who wants a clearance from either my PCP or the surgeon. Oh well, one more thing!
You're a whole year already (almost) - way to go and continued success!

whats up girlllllllll
jersey in the buildinggggggggggg..........holla hood style
girllll my new boyfriend that i been dating for only amonth got me a car...and i just want u to know we will be meeting sometime in apirl.
oh yeah in i lost 90 lbs so far....went from a 5x to 3x and still droppin i'm finally starting to see the change........girlllllll life is sooo much betta now.
COZZY, my nicca
What the dealio? You go gurl, you got a car! Damn, I still aint get one yet, but its all good
Congrats on your WL so far Cozette, and I wanted to tell you I saw your post from that "other" board and I been wanting to tell you that I HAD NO PROBLEM with what you posted, like myself you ALWAYS keep it real and that is what I luv about ya!
You won't be seeing me there anymore, done with that board....too much STRESS! You be cool sis and you let me know when you want to come visit ok?