Eggs & Tuna
I know I'm asking a general question; My doctor told me to try eggs & tuna. (not together) I had a small scrambled egg, nothing in it & it didn't sit well right away.
Tried three days later, same thing happened. With Tuna, one night, had it, no problem small 2oz can. Two days later, also didn't sit well. I know I have to get my protein in.
Anyone have suggestions?

Hey Amy-
All I can say is try, try again... Its a little rough in the beginning.
What I can suggest is that you make your tuna and eggs moist- maybe a little mayo in the tuna if you're not doing that already. I hate runny eggs but made it moist with some cheese and a little milk. Moist seems to go down better- keep that in mind when you get to meats like chicken and turkey
vit shoppe extreme smoothie protien drink 35 mg protien one can.
iam 10 post op and these are really good I ordered mine from bariatric eating flavors i chose were strawberry, vanilla,praline screame, cappichino? all very good. might help in between my dietician said to drink at least one per day hipe this helps i can try tuna next week cream soup full liquids stage!~
Hey Amy,
I'm eleven months out now and I _still_ don't like eggs, particularly scrambled eggs. I was able to do tunafish (with mayo) early out and it hasn't given me a problem. Everyone is different - some things that don't work for you now may eventually come back into the realm of possibility.
I'm sure you know this already but protein shakes are really good for you; easy to digest, good nutrition. They were another food where I was ok, then not ok, and then ok again. I've been ok with them again for more than six months. I plan to use them for my breakfast forever - as I said, eggs are gross now and all the rest of the breakfast stuff is too carb-loaded, I get hungry again way too fast.
Email me if you'd like.
Jen M