isn't it amazing?
Hi everyone. isn't it amazing that now i can only eat 1/4 of a piece of meat and a spoonful of rice at a sitting (and not even finish that) when before this surgery i could sit down and eat two pork chops and 1/2 a plate of rice. just wanted to share that. where did i put it all back then?just amazing to me... piece sue

You actually had room for rice?
I know exactly what you mean!!
We had to eat on the fly today and I got 1/4 lb of chicken salad from the deli and could only eat 1/2 of it That was less than 2 ozs!!
My hubby was teasing me that I ate his appetizer LOL
It is just unbelievable how much less I eat and am happy with it

hey. really? even after 3 months that's all you can still eat? well, that's great cause hopefully that's all i'll be able to eat in 3 months to. i'm one of the people that can eat anything and it hasn't bothered my stomach yet. the meat i ate was pork chop and i was told that i may not be able to handle it. well, of course, i would be the one with a pouch of steel. thanks for responding... sue
Yes Really!!!!!
I too have found that the meats that most have trouble with are my best friends!!
I can't do any flake fish unless it is covered in sauce!! Same goes for Chicken and turkey, and even eggs. These all make me
unless covered in mayo or some sort of moist sauce.
Yet, I just had Pork Chop, and the other night I had roast beef, and for christmas I had ham. All went down nice and smoothe with no problems. Go figure
Let's give a
and a big HI HO to all us with Pouches of Steele!!
I guess if my buns and abs can't be of steele then at least something is

Hugs Diane