Monday is my pre op instruction appt.
I never had surgery before I had this procedure. When is surgery scheduled? Did you have all your testing done? Blood work, chest-xray, lungs, etc. If you didn't then he would tell you to make arrangements for all the test.
ON my day of surgery I just showed up at the hospital and before I knew it I was operated on and it was over.
If you ask questions, e-mail me.
Everything will be fine and keep that smile on your faace.
Hi Kathy,
The pre-op is a piece of cake, I'm surprised Cathy from Dr. R's office didnt explain it to you.......are you going to Jersey Shore? I went and registered ( by where Dr. R sees patients for consults) they take blood, a chest x-ray and your done! I was in and out in about an hour, the nurse was a real sweetheart, gave my step daughter my juice and cookies! lol
Best of luck, I will be home all day Monday (gotta do the day before surgery phospho (sp) drink and want to be near my own call me and let me know how you make out!
xo chrissie xo
LAura, well one thing is the dreaded BOWEL PREP! if they tell you golytly pick up some crystal lite to mix in the gallon so it does not taste so bad!
you will probley be NPO ( nothing by mouth) usually after midnight the night before your surgery. Ahh yes pampers wipe with aloa because your hinny may get sore because of the bowel prep. Do NOT plam\n to go anywhere once you start the prep!!! you will need to stay close to the john!!! Better u than me!! You will have chest x ray, blood work, maybe an ekg. nothing to bad me we really should chat did you ever hear anymore about Patti E??? I am off mon-wed I will try to call you so we can chat i am so envious of you!!!
Buit I have made up my mind to wait for Boaro in Jan. I am moving to howell in Nov so I wilk be busy until then. Talk to you soon