Blood sugars
I had a probem with my blood sugar and take it every morning. Since the operation my blood sugar is great, that was 17 days ago. Yesterday and today is was 84 85. I know this is low. Did any one have this problem?
I took 1 oz. of grape juice. What do I do ? How did anyone handle this.
I feel drain and was wondering if this is due to low sugar.
Other than that everything is great.
Hi there,
I'm type 1 diabetic and wanted you to know that I think Glucose Tabs would be better to control low blood sugar than OJ, especially that soon out of surgery. I had surgery 3 1/2 months ago and I still haven't touched it, too acidic. Since I'm on an insulin pump, sometimes I over estimate my dosage and tend to run low, like below 50 and taking 3-4 tabs brings it up quickly. Normal blood sugar is bet. 60-120, so it sounds like your in normal range.
Good luck!