RE:Painful Legs
Hi everyone,
Does anyone have problems with their legs? My legs just ache so bad and I am tired of my Primary Dr. telling me it is my weight!!!!! I had orthoscopic surgery a year ago, have had probllems ever since. Just this past week I had to go to the ER because I couldn't walk on the right leg it was so painful. Once again, I was told it was my weight. Has anyone had the same problems and what did you do about it? (Besides have gastric surgery) LOL Please let me know. Thanks a million.
My legs use to ache alot before surgery (big time swelling too in the summer), but since GBS and making an effort to walk everyday, they've gotten much better. They're not swollen most of the time now and they don't ache anymore. I was told by my doctor it was because of my weight too and I guess they were right, but it doesn't make you feel any better when they hurt!
Maybe try eating more bananas, to build up potassium? I use to get horrible charlie horses, which made my calves ache even more. Are you post-op? Maybe you're not getting enough calcium? Or try soaking in the tub or a jacuzzi a couple times a week? I even used a moist heating pad once in a while and that seemed to help a little.
Good luck!
Could you happen to have Restless Leg Syndrome? It gives you the feeling of not being able to keep your legs still, especially at night. I had it for years, the constant fidgiting, but then it started to ache all the time. I read a small article on it in the newspaper and went to a specialist and sure enought I have it. It was a relief to know what it is and now im on medication and Im fine. I had it before my gastric bypass and still do,. There is a RLS site on the internet. If you need more information, please email me.