Cigna PPO: 5 weeks and still "in consideration"

Jim E.
on 7/1/03 8:03 am - Newton, NJ
Five weeks ago my surgeon and I submitted every piece of evidence Cigna requires plus much, much more for Lap-Band. Today I called them and was told that they would look into it. This probably means they have not even opened the envelope. I have been assured that they will "expidate." When I asked if this means another five week wait I was told, "Hopefully not." I am starting to wonder if anyone gets their envelopes opened before their policy of 30 BUSINESS days. And then only after several phone calls. Has anyone had lap-band approved by Cigna recently? How long did it take?
Jim E.
on 7/7/03 12:54 pm - Newton, NJ
Another week has gone by and three more polite ladies have told me my case has moved to "priority status." This probably means that somebody might actually open up the envelope! Every person promises that they will call me right back. It has been six weeks and nobody can even tell me if the "Review Board" is even aware if I exist. But everyone is polite! Today, I was just hung up on. I get the impression that they have a script that they read from depending on which call is being made. With each call a more compassionate tone of voice is offered and another promise of an immediate call back. I think they figure I will either die or just go away. Next week I will write a detailed letter to the New Jersey Attorney General's office and the Insurance Commission. Probably then I will get a denial and the appeal process will start with the stall tactics beginning all over again.
Jim E.
on 7/12/03 8:12 am - Newton, NJ
It is now seven weeks and I finally got a call from a very polite lady who said my file was sent to the wrong office. She said she spoke to her "supervisor" and a decision would be made in 72 hours. That was last week! In the meantime I sit by the freekin phone and don't dare miss the promised call. What a life! After reading some of the horrors of other members of this site I find this is typical of Cigna. And the beat goes on.........
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