

on 1/21/11 9:53 am - Newton, NJ
Well, it happened... I had my LBL on 12/30 and had issues with fluid and blood clots so I had surgery again on Monday to have the fluid drained, the blood clot removed and the area washed with antibiotics. 

Well when I was there my blood levels were still a bit off so he gave me a unit of blood and two iron transfusions before I went home on Tuesday night. Well today I was sitting down relaxing and noticed that my arm hurt so I pulled up my sleeve and saw that about an inch and a half below the spot where my IV had been was red had a bump and was hot to the touch. I called my plastics Dr. and his office called his back up (he is on vacation), the back up called me and I sent her a text of my arm. She called back and said she thought it was cellulitus but needed to see it in person.. While I had been waiting for her call I called my PCP and they said I should come in so after she called back and said that it might be cellulitus I called them back and said I was on my way..

I got there they looked at my arm and said yup.. it is cellulitus.. I will say my plastics Dr. is awesome!!!! he called me from his vacation to ask about what was going on.. I have to be on antibiotics and I now have the spot on my arm circled and if it gets bigger, if I get a fever, if my lymph nodes get swollen or if I get a line up or down my arm I have to call and go to hospital to iv antibiotics.. Sounds fun... this has been the gift that keeps on giving...

I just needed to complain cause my husband is freaked about and so I can't complain to him or he will freak more.

Thanks for letting me get it out.
on 1/21/11 1:28 pm - Hackettstown, NJ
Hi Stella,

I totally understand what your going through... and it sucks... but hang in there... it will be worth it in the end!  Dr. Fodero is Awesome... and he will always be there to back up his work.  Plastics is much harder to get through than the Weight Loss surgery... and much more chances of clots, infections etc.   I had them all with mine... and my family was SO worried.... so I get it.  Vent away and listen to the docs.  They will take good care of you I'm sure. 

I ended up back in hospital with intestinal surgery after my plastics.  Dr. Fodero was away, but called in to check on me anyway... and when he got back in town he came to hospital to see me... even though my issues were not from his surgery.  He is a very caring person! 

Keep us posted... I'm sure you'll be all better soon! 

on 1/22/11 9:55 pm - Newton, NJ
Thanks Pat,

He is awesome, he is away this week and he called me from his cell on his vacation to see how I was doing.. I don't think I have ever had a Dr. do that in my life!

I see his OR nurse on Tuesday to have my bandages checked and maybe my last drain removed and then I see him next Monday when he is back from his Vacation.

I am actually feeling better minus the stomach upset issues from the antibiotics and the iron I am now taking. The red spot on my arm has not gotten any larger and the bump is not as big so it looks like I will not end up back in the hospital (YEA!!) for iv antibiotics.

It will be better soon..

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