Hey Tom, How's the exercise program?

on 10/18/10 4:32 am
Hi Tom,
Just curious and you have posted in a while....  have you been able to integrate exercise into your 'real' life?  I'm just starting back seriously again, and it seems like there's always a "must do" after work, and by 7 or 8, I'm too old and tired to hit the gym....   How are you doing it? Share your story!  I need inspiration!    Mary C

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog: lifeisgood-mc.blogspot.com

Tom C.
on 10/18/10 7:48 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



Thanks for checking up on me, and keeping me “honest". Had you asked this question 5 days ago I would have given you a little different answer than today. But since you asked ..


Overall I am doing very well. Since Aug 11th I have been “running", using the Couch to 5K method. Last Wednesday I was able to do 3 complete miles in about 38 minutes (37 minutes 38 seconds to be exact). I was elated to say the least.


Well I went away on Friday and came back yesterday, and didn’t do any running while I was away. I tried doing it today, and was only able to do a mile and half and I needed to stop. I walked about ½ mile and was able to do another one and one-quarter miles.


Was I disappointed? HECK YEAH!! Am I discouraged? HELL NO!! The route I was doing was much hillier than what I ran on Wednesday. And I am now more determined to “defeat" this route. EVENTUALLY !!!


In fact, today I just signed up to do a 5K on Thanksgiving Day (thanks to Big Ideas/Linda). So I have another reason NOT TO GIVE UP.


I think of running like our weight loss. There are going to be good days, and bad days. There will be triumphs and failures. What we need to do is keep focused of the overall goal, and keep working towards it. No matter how many hills we come to, we need to run up them. Sometimes it will take a few tries, but eventually we’ll not only be up that hill, but over it and crossing the finishing line.

So thanks for keeping me Honest. I think this post couldn't have come at a better time !!! You're like an angel !!! I OWE YOU A BIG HUG !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/18/10 11:54 am
awwww shucks!   I'm back at the gym , also, but trying to do strength training, with a little cardio mix.  I do the eliptical or tread, then 30-45 miniutes of weights.  I have spaghetti arms, that just wobble and twist, and  it's pretty funny to watch me lift...  oh well,   I'm trying to make it there 3-4 times a week, and hired a trainer to meet with me every 2 weeks and work on upper body strength.  Well, ya KNOW I'll be doing it for 3 months, at least, because I had to pay up front  LOL
I hope by then it's a part of my routine....   Keep up the great work!!!!!  and I can't wait for a post Thanksgiving report!    Mary

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog: lifeisgood-mc.blogspot.com

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