Kingley Health Rocks!

on 6/22/09 5:14 am
I am concerned that this is being addressed in a public forum, where anyone can read it.  Does HIPPA rights cover discussion forums, where your health history, i.e. appointment dates, EOB's, etc are being discussed?  If Kingley Health really wanted to protect their rep, wouldn't it have been most prudent to resolve this in private with Kim and then publish a general statement that the 'issues have been resolved to both parties satisfaction'.  I don't need your company's services right now, but if I did, seeing this public response wouldn't make me run out to hire you.  I wouldn't want a flame war with a company done in the open.  Did Kim give you permission to post this information?  or did you feel it was implied due to her posting her concerns?  Kim, as an individual, voiced her opinion and experiences on a SUPPORT board.    Kingley Health, as a business, has posted that she posts 'untruths and distortions', but she should supply contradictory evidence.  What does this mean?????  How can a person supply evidence of a sales pitch?  and phone tapes?  WOW   
(This is from their Website, I looked up their  HIPPA policy)

We at Kingley Institute, LLC understand that protected health information about you and your health is personal. We are committed to protecting health information about you. This Notice applies to all of the records of your care generated by the Kingley Institute, LLC, whether made by Kingley Institute, LLC personnel or your personal doctor. This Notice will tell you about the ways in which we may use and disclose protected health information about you. We also describe your rights and certain obligations we have regarding the use and disclosure of protected health information. The law requires us to:

OUR PLEDGE REGARDING PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION (PHI):make sure that protected health information that identifies you is kept private;


notify you about how we protect protected health information about you;


explain how, when and why we use and disclose protected health information;


We are required to follow the procedures in this Notice. We reserve the right to change the terms of this Notice and to

make new notice provisions effective for all protected health information that we maintain by:

follow the terms of the Notice that is currently in effect.


posting the revised Notice in our office


making copies of the revised Notice available upon request


posting the revised Notice on our Web site.

     Also, while posting under a company name may give you a feeling of anonymity, does the upper management of this company know you are posting here, and what the content is?  I am curious....  It is unusual for successful companies to 'go after' an unsatisfied customer like this.  Kim,  I don't know you, but I would copy and save this whole thread, and share it with their HIPPA compliance officer for their company, or at least, make sure this poster actually has company approval to go back at you like this.   Mary C    ( a BIG fan of privacy)

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog:

on 6/19/09 3:53 pm

If you read most of the post about Kingley it is their "car sales men approach" it seem like they focus on selling their product more so the weight loss.
on 6/19/09 3:42 pm, edited 6/20/09 12:05 pm
Hi KJohannes

So did you have VGB? Reading your post it seems like you lost weight w/o WLS and want made you join this website and post a comment about Kingley? Sorry ,but your comment seems so scripted ................LOL

on 6/20/09 2:20 am, edited 6/20/09 2:22 am - Milford, NJ

Thanks for the well wishes...I had my surgery May 19th...all is going great!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 6/20/09 7:20 am - Brick, NJ
I wonder why they seem so scripted hmmmmm  :-0

on 6/21/09 7:23 am
I think some people are actually pretty eloquent in their writing and they like to put their best foot forward when writing in a public forum...some, well I won't comment.  I am also impressed with all of your knowledge of stylometry.  

What I find interesting is that some of you have nothing better to do with your time.  Some of you had one bad experience, never went back, never gave them a chance to change, sounds like you never bothered to reach out to mangement and give them constructive criiticism to change and blasted them on a public forum.  How unfair. 

And Kimi I think your recollection of facts is a little skewed which makes all of your posts a little suspect on what really happened.  Why  because there are two glaring points - 1) Kingley Health does not have a location in Wayne - so how could you have gone to Wayne? 2) According to their post nutrition evals are $125 and psych evals are $250.....but in another thread you said that you were going to go to a different psych person so how could you have paid Kingley $250 for anything? and if you read their post they only provide a refund for psych..... And ALS is great and remarkable?  Really?  I don't think so.  Kingley recommended them.  I was not impressed.

I really don't want an answer to any of these questions.  My point is more that you can't believe everything you read. 

Tom C.
on 6/21/09 9:58 pm, edited 6/21/09 10:03 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
Dear Losing150lbs.  

While you may not want an answer, I will supply one anyway.  

Since I went with Kimi, I can tell you that she went to the New Brunswick/Piscataway office. The one which was off Exit 9 on I-287 and just off Centennial Avenue.    

As for any other question you posted to Kimi, I know she's bright enough, and strong enough, to answer herself. So I don’t need to.    

Now I am not trying to belabor these posts, but I need to ask some rhetorical questions myself    

How do you know what was and wasn't originally discussed between Kimi and the Kingsley Institute concerning refunding of funds?  

How do you know if there was any feedback/contact given directly to the Kingsley Institute? I for one know two people who DID speak to a Kingsley representative. And one who discussed it with ALS (and they weren’t the first) – and then 3 days afterwards all the positive posts began.    

Why did it take two full months before a positive post was posted on the original post?      

And why were all the “positive" posts only done after Kingsley’s admittedly solicited their patients to post? Don't you think at least one person would have done so without prodding?

And as I mentioned in the original post regarding the “positive" post, or supporters (like yourself), why are most of the profiles missing pertinent information (especially picture, friends, operation, location, doctor).Why have I never seen any of these people contribute to any other posting?

How many people really return to a place where they were not happy with their service? Have you ever gone back to say to a restaurant where the service and food were poor and you felt you over paid?   

Why no retort to any of the other folks who left a negative reply (especially on the original email)? Why would Kingsley actually take the time and single me out to research if I did and didn't go to their facility? And how would they know if my OH name is an actual name or a non de plume?   

If you don't like ALS, why did you list Doctor Abkin as your Doctor? Especially since your account was recently created? You could have left it blank.    

As for Kingsley themselves, I hope between all these posts, the feedback given to ALS, and the feedback given to Kingsley themselves, things at Kingsley have changed for the better. From their reply I can only believe they probably have. To be honest, I have not been personally asked by any other patient to join them at Kingsley. I think if I did go, I think I would be very surprise how much better things are.  

And continuing to remain honest, any and all “outside" interaction I have had with Kingsley representatives have been nothing but pleasant and professional. I think the world of these folks. And this may surprise you, I wouldn’t mind working with them to help improve their Bariatric program.  

The only additional unsolicited advice I have for Kingsley is to give each person a leaflet that explains their services, procedures, payment guidelines, supplemental continued support (i.e. gym and benefits), and other pertinent information prior to attending their facility (and/or when they arrive). This way the person knows exactly what to expect, and then they won’t be “surprised" when everything is done.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 6/22/09 12:10 pm - Brick, NJ

After reading these posts on behalf of Kingley - I feel compelled to post.

#1  I find it outrageous that under the current HIPAA laws you are permitted to divulge Kimi's medical information.  Please correct me if Im wrong Kimi but I'm sure you never gave Kingley permission to divulge your health information to anyone else other than your Dr's , Health insurance and Kingley themselves - certainly not a message board. Sir/Madam of Kingley - let me remind you that as we have to abide by slander laws  you also have to abide by HIPAA laws - and you are clearly in violation of those. The information you provide in these posts are clearly directly attained from a representative of Kingley. You are clearly breaching Kimi's right to privacy.

#2 Due to my own experiences I can say that I chose your facility only because you were strongly referred by ALS. It certainly wasn't because of close proximity - You are over 60 miles away from my house. It was very clear not too far into my experience that I was being sold things.  First was nutritional servies and then it was the gym. After explaining that I lived over 60 miles away and was not sure If I wanted to go to a gym that far - the rep. persisted saying that they had a special offer to ALS patients - $50 a month but you had to sign a 12 month contract. I then again expressed hesitation because I knew that I under no circum****tances could committ going to a gym on a regular basis that was 60 miles away -certainly when I have 2 small children. She then persisted and said how about we pencil you in for an appt - after being asked multiple times I finally said yes then called back to cancel - I just wanted to get her off of my back.

I find it suspicious as previously stated that all of your "clients" who comment are not past members , have no history on OH and quite frankly the verbiage in your posts at a minimum sound scripted if not rehearsed.

A great business becomes a great business by "word of mouth" and it's clear from the long term posts on OH that most people are dissatisfied with your companys tactics. If you cared an ounce about the WLS community you would stop doing us a disservice and cease polluting these boards with your rehearsals.


on 6/24/09 6:28 am
I'm not one to usually get involved in other people's issues but Kimi has become a friend and I have posted previously on my negative experience with Kingley Health and felt that I need to say something here as well.

I too was referred to Kingley Health by ALS in February of this year. At the time I was looking to get my surgery performed as soon as possible and when I was told that both psych and nutritional evals could be completed in a one stop shop place I was all for it.

My experience was doomed from the beginning. I did not make the intial contact. Instead I was contacted by Kingley Health on a weekend evening to solicit my business for these evals. Since I had no idea who the person on the other end of the line was I was less than inclined to give any information. After confirming with ALS that this is thier recommended place for evals I contacted them on my own and was given an appointment that same week. I was told to expect to be there for a total of 3 hours. It seemed like a long time but if this was their policy I was going to do what was necessary in order to complete the pre-op requirements.

On the day of my appointment I arrived a bit early (I too had to drive to Piscataway which was about an hour from my home). I was immediately given a handful of paperwork to complete and then brought into an open glass walled area for the breathing test. When I questioned I was told it was Kingley's policy to perform this test on everyone that came in and that it could provide them with important information. - Okay whatever I just wanted to get on with the appointment.

After the breathing test I met with one of the coordinators who asked about joining their facility. I explained politely that I had no intention of joining their facility and just came for me required and refered evaluations. I then met with the nutritionist for about an hour. During this time she attempted to get me to sign up for another nutritional education class that she said would be at least an hour long. I explained that I was only there for an eval at which time she indicated that I did not have enough information about pre and post op food plans to undergo the lap band surgery. I explained to her that my surgeons office conducts a 3 hour pre op class to cover this information and that I did not feel the need to return to them at that time but would consider it if I still felt unprepared after the surgeons class. At that time she questioned where I lived and told me that maybe another location would be closer. But - she could not tell me if that was true or not because she had a list of other locations but didn't know her way around NJ to know if they were near my home or not.

I then met with the psychologist for the psych eval. Being a mental health professional myself I thought I was pretty prepared for a typical eval however this woman in the course of her evaluation proceded to attempt to offer therapuetic solutions to certain issues that were discussed. Despite explaining to her that I am already engaged in a therapeutic relationship she continued to speak as if she knew me and my case for far longer than the 30 minutes I had been sitting with her.

At the conclusion of the evals I was once again asked to sit in a room with the first consultant at which time she again asked me about joining their facility. I explained that I already belonged to a gym, had my own therapist, and that traveling an hour was much too far for nutrituional counseling that I was not sure I needed at that time. She then told me that there was a branch of their facility in Livingston and that I could get nutritional counseling there. Once again I declined. The meeting ended with her demanding that I set some kind of goal for her for the upcoming month. Although I did not want to I did it simply to attempt to get out of there as soon as possible. She concluded by telling me that someone from the Livingston office would be contacting me in a month to see if I had indeed met my goal and how Kingley can further assist me on my weight loss journey.

So in conclusion I felt that although I did get the evals done it was an entire morning of dodging the sales pitch and constantly explaining that I was not interested in their services other than the evaluations for which I had made my appointment.

Joseph Itkor
on 7/23/09 4:16 pm - hackettstown, NJ
Let me start by saying that I am not affiliated with Kingley in any way.  I had my surgery on June 16, 2009 and Dr. Abkin was my surgeon.  I did NOT use Kingley for my evaluation as I had cigna insurance at the time and found a nut that accepted cigna.  It did not cost me a penny.  Post surgery, I wanted to see a nutritionist regularly.  I was hoping for weekly visits, but my new insurance (NJ Direct 10) will only cover 3 visits a year while other companies cover unlimited visits)

Anyway, upon Dr. Abkin's recommendation, I went to see Marisol at Kingley. She has been nothing short of fantastic.  I adore her.  Never once did I get a hard sell.  They did ask me if I belonged to a gym.  When I told them I had a membership at Gold's gym, the moved on.  Never once suggested I join their facility.  Marisol has been hugely helpful.  I bring her my food logs, and we go over what I ate that week and she gives me advice on what I did well and what I can do better.

Could I do it on my own?  Sure.  But Kingley and Marisol in particular have made it so much easier.

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