Kingley Health Update

on 4/16/09 4:28 am - Milford, NJ
I used him too...well not "used" him....LOL.  I went to him for my Psych Eval...he is awesome!!!!


Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 4/16/09 12:37 pm
Once I have my surgery I'm going to attend his support group from time to time hope to see you there.

on 6/9/09 2:08 pm
Hi Kimi, Sorry to read about your feelings in reguard to Kingley Institute. I've been a member since 2007 and I have to say I really don't know where I'd be now if it wasn't for Kingley Institute and thier staff (possibly dead)?. I'm a diabetic with high blood pressure &  sleep apnea to name a few and Kingley and their staff have helped with these problems. The nutritionist is the best I've worked with (and I've seen a few). I will admit one thing you won't find a gym that will work with you one on one like Kingley does for the price that you pay(personal trainers get alot more per hour than what Kingley charges). Let's face it we would all like to get things for FREE but that's not reality. I'm hoping to get my surgery scheduled shortly and I'm happy to have Kingley and their staff on my team to get me through this life changing event. I've never ever felt badly about Kingley. I would and have recommended them to many people. Both myself and my wife are members/clients of Kingley and are working toward a healthier way of life.  THANKS KINGLEY INSTITUTE!!!!!!!!!!

M. Hajduk
on 4/21/09 12:47 pm

Sorry to read you had a bad experience with Kingley Institute.  Dr. Bertha recommended the Kingley Institute to me for  my pre-surgery evaluation / testing.  I agree that they do incorporate a "sales pitch" for their services.  But they are good at what they do. 

I didn't commit to any of their services at the time of my evaluation.   But three months after my banding I did begin to see the nutritionist (first) and the therapist (later) and now both regularly.   The nutritionist is a big support and help with re-establishing new eating habits.  The therapist is helping me work through the emotional issues which presented themselves about  three months after my surgery.   I didn't have a support system set-up before my procedure, so for me the Kingley Institute works well.

Good Luck to you with your lap-banding.  I hope your procedure goes smoothly with no complications.  And that you are successful with your weigh loss.

on 4/28/09 2:39 am
I have been a client of Kingley Health for six months prior to my surgery date of January 20, 2009.  I participated in both the exercise physiology and nutrition counseling program to the present date.  The success that I have had with a weight loss of 66 pounds since August of 2008 was solely due to the care and preparation that I received from the Kingley Health program.  They effectively coordinated my behavior to make the necessary lifestyle changes to make the above average weight loss possible. 
In conclusion, on Dr. Bertha's recommendation, I started this program and because of that I am healthier, happier and lighter!   The lap band surgery is only a tool to effect the weight loss process. I am truly thankful to both Dr. Bertha and Kingley Health for their Herculean effort for me to become the person that I am today. 

In good health!
on 4/28/09 3:39 am
well I have been going to kingley for 5 years .I had my ups and downs but the staff always took care of my needs with hot and cold packs for my knees and they push me when I was doing well but my heart keeps jumping in and out of a fib. the diets my are hard because I work overnites . but from me i think I spend my money and got more than what I paid. with people just like me workout to get healthly
on 5/11/09 3:12 pm
i just went thur my first nutrionist appt the experince was wonderfull .the staff was great explained all my question .the main office was a long day but it was told to me it would be .the screening processwas long but nessasery to make sure you are ready for the surgery. this was a great experince and im looking foward to the surgery and loosing weight
on 6/6/09 9:01 am
I went to Kingley Health to talk about my weight loss about a month ago.  I would disagree with what has been said about Kingley.

I am nervous about getting surgery and they gave me information about some seminars that i should attend to get a better handle on my options.  I am going to the one at Saint peter's hospital.  My dietitian told me that there will be some surgeons their from a place called ALS that I could talk to and make an appointment with.

Everyone there was very nice and helpful.  I did have one problem and the person on the phone told me that she would get my information to the proper person to handle.  I got a call in less than 24hrs and my issue was handled by I think someone pretty high up in the company. It was nice not to be treated like just another customer.

I did their trial pass and it was nothing but amazing.  The support and care  was great.  I am seeing their dietitian and therapist to help me through my reservations about surgery.  They don't push me and and are always very sympathetic to where I am.  I am thinking about their fitness program.  I didn't get any sales pitch but maybe that's because i did their guest pass.

I am sorry that some of you had a bad experience but mine has been nothing but positive.  If I do go through surgery I am going to use them for my evals.  Friends have told me that surgery will only get me part of the way their and i will still need to diet and exercise. i know that i can't do it alone and am getting great support at Kingley.
on 6/8/09 11:27 am
I'm sorry to hear that so many of you have had negative experiences at Kingley Health. I joined this gym on the recommendation of my sister and we both have benefited from it in different ways. The staff is extremely friendly and knowledgeable. I have only been to two of their sites but those that I have worked with at those two sites have been nothing but a great help. I work with the exercise physiologists and the nutritionist. I also saw the counselor for a short time but felt I needed elsewhere for that. She was great though and her help was greatly appreciated. I feel that Kingley Health is like a family to me. Whenever I had a rough day at work I would just walk in and the boxing gloves would be thrown my way to help me workout and release all my aggression. I often times brag about this facility because of the fact it is like having your own personal trainer at a discounted price if you really think about it. I do hope that for those of you who have had a negative experience you rethink some things and if you have questions for the staff there don't be afraid to go back and ask. They wont bite your heads off... Especially if you want to know more about the testing! So, in general, I wish everyone the best of luck but know Kingley Health is a great place as far as I am concerned.
on 6/9/09 2:57 am
I have had a good experience learning about how to lose weight.  It has been very enjoyable and I have learned a lot.  I have made a lot of progress and met most of my weight loss goals.  I enjoy coming to Kingley Health.  My counselor is very good about teaching me how to eat more healthy.  The staff has been very helpful.  I am going to keep coming back to help continue making progress. I have recommended Kingley health to my friends and roommates to come for help. 
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