
on 1/6/09 5:08 am - Jersey City, NJ
I had my 3 visit with my dr yesterday and happy to be down 45 lbs in the last 2 months.  Its a slow process but I am patiently getting through it especially after last month's upset.  Anyhoo....I got to speak with the dietician/nutritionist and wanted to know about chewing gum.  I have heard stories that gum does curb your appetite so if you want to put something in your mouth, chew gum.
I was told that no more gum.  Because being a gastric bypass patient and if you swallow your gum, it gets stuck in your pouch and there is no way of getting it out. 
Has anyone heard of that?  Is this true?

on 1/6/09 5:30 am - manchester, NJ
i was told no more gum, because it could get stuck in your pouch

for the first 15 months after my surgery i had no gum, i was scared

since then i have again started chewing gum im just very careful and usually dont chew a piece for long or in a situation where i might forget to be careful.

having said that, you eventually have to make your own decision.  there is concern in the early stages as your pouch is healing and the opening is very small. that does change over time as your stoma becomes a little larger over time.

be careful and i would not try gum this early out.

be safe and well, jacki



on 1/8/09 12:16 am - NJ
Hi Chris,
I was also told no gum, not ever.  Well, lately I admit that I have been chewing gum.  Not al the time, just once in a while.  Of course, it's SF.  I do not swallow it and only chew it for a few minutes.  My mouth is often so dry and this seems to help me.  I do not remember the rational for being told no gum but the idea of it getting caught in the pouch is reason enough. 
Good luck, Andrea
Sheri A.
on 1/9/09 12:19 pm
I admit that I do chew alot of gum, I have been chewing since just before a year post op. It is great for my breath, keeping my teeth white and for keeping me from eating more calories.
on 1/10/09 9:48 am
I was told that the only reason not to chew gum was that you take in air which could lead to gas but if I was okay w/ that, chew away.
on 1/20/09 9:25 am - Bloomfield, NJ
well i was told no gum but i love gum and making bubbles im still in high school 18 yrs chewin gum is wat i do to kill time but im careful cuz they did say it can get stuck

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