Does anyone smoke cigarettes?
I am curious. If you do smoke did your surgeon say you have to quit (-----) ? amt of time before your surgery? Mine says 6 weeks. So I have to quit like I am able to get my surgery from 6 weeks after I quit. I have passed all my prerequisits, all stuff done! classes etc, now I have this setback........ I have smoked for 30 years. Anyone have any helpful tips, other than gum, patch, or hipnosis?
from freehold,nj
i am now 25, and had my surgery at 19. I smoked before, couldn't quit but never had any resp problems probably because of my age. I am still trying to quit and know that I will when I am ready to. Obviously you can't smoke in the hospital so I wish I had never lit up again and regret it everyday. do yourself a favor andQUIT now you'll thank me later, embrace your new HEALTHY YOU with open arms.
I don't want to preach, but why have the surgery to lose weight for health reasons and then have another bad habit of smoking. My father beat lung cancer and it had to do with the fact that he stop smoking years prior to his diagnosis. Whatever you do, PLEASE QUIT. I know it's hard, but if you're having the surgery to lose weight for health reasons, don't replace smoking for the food. Like excess weight, smoking has it own co-morbities as we all know. Lung Cancer, Emphysema, Asthma, Shortness of Breath, etc. I want you to live a long and healthy life as possible. When you have this surgery, you're going to feel so much better as the weight comes off, don't let smoking be your downfall.
With much love,
Hi Cissy:
I smoked everyday on and off for over 19 years. Quit twice when I was pregnant for 18 months each time. went on patch 3 years ago for 6 months gained 45 pounds. went back to smoking. Started looking into WLS 3 years ago.. I quit smoking 6 weeks ago with the patch and I am not looking back. My Surgeon said I could still smoke if I wanted but if I am going to change for the better I needed to quit and healthy.. try the patch it worked for me..
PS good luck
Well Cissy, it seems we're both in the same situation, but I have to quit 3 weeks prior to surgery which is Nov 17th/
I have no special tips. I have the patch and yes it does work, but it's very suttle. I don't care for the nicorette gum, but I do chew gum. I still get in about 2/3 cigs a day. It's hard, very hard to quit. I have smoked for over 40 yrs and the one thing that has helped is having my sister to account to. I live with her and she sees all I do just about. You really need someone who you are accountable to. Of course I don't let her know I sneak those 2/3 in. I just carry the guilt with me. But it's alot less than what I did smoke, so somewhere there has to be justification. I guess you can say I'm a wuss on this one. I have also put on 10#'s in 2 weeks, so that's not too great.
When it comes to my habits. I have a difficult time giving them up. These guys along with food are my buddies, my comfort, my escape from reality. How do you walk away from something like that.
I am so sorry if I'm am not encouraging, I just know how difficult this is for us smokers.
I "quit" in March of 2005, smoked again for a week in August, but I stopped, cold turkey, because I knew that a lot of surgeons require it. The main thing I did was pretend to smoke in the car. I felt like an idiot, but after going through the motions a couple of times of pretending to have something in my hand, bringing it to my lips and actually inhaling (plain air), I did really feel better.
Like I said, felt silly, but worked. And, of course, I only did that when I was *alone* in the car!