First meeting with surgeon
I met with Dr. Kasper for the first time today (Springfield MA) and liked him very much-- got his name from this site, so THANKS!! Next step is stress test tomorrow, then meet with their psychologist and dietician next week. Sleep study appointment is in April, and then will need the actual study after that. Then I meet again with the bariatric specialist MD that Dr. Kasper works with. He reviews all my data, and says yes or no. Dr. Kasper trusts him implicitly, seems they work closely together. Only then will they start the insurance approval process. That will take some time but luckily my wife (Valerie Z who also posts on this site
) had the surgery 4 weeks ago and our insurance gave them very little trouble; just asked for a bit more information. So looks like maybe 2 months?? or so until surgery for me. Looking forward to it and hopefully we will be able to sell our home and move South-- logistics may be tricky with timing! Ah well, one step at a time.

Good luck Howard and also good luck and best wishes to your wife. Hope she is doing good...sitting on the loser's bench and improving daily. I had my surgery on the 13th and can't believe how lucky I am to be on the loser's side. Hang in there with your WLS journey and we will save you a seat on the loser's bench! Barbara