WOW - the NH board is alive!!!
Hi everyone....I'm on vacation in FL (will return on 3/28). We're RVing and I made my husband take the laptop because I knew I couldn't go two weeks without checking the board to see what was going on. Seems while I've been away the board has gotten a lot more active! What a wonderful thing to see!
Don't have time to respond to all the new messages, so let me say congratulations to all who have made significant advances, both pre and post op. Welcome to all the first time posters, too. I'll do my best to keep our NH board active - thanks ValerieZ for the inspiration.
My surgery is scheduled for 4/4 and I'm starting to have the nervous jitters. I'll be back from vacation for a week (to try and catch up at work) then my time to join the losers will have come. (All prayers are gratefully accepted.)
Best wishes to everyone and I hope to log on again before I get home to see what is happening with y'all.....depends on if we can get a good signal for the laptop!

Hi, Bonnie,
I N V U!!!! Florida is so wonderful, and it's so cold and windy here it's hard to even believe that technically it is Spring.
I am a CMC/OTC patient too and have followed your journey with the interest of someone on the same cruise line, so to speak. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery, have faith, you will have a lot of awesome people supporting you and praying for you.