new poster, surgery 8/29
I am new to this whole posting thing so bear with me
I am having surgery on 8/29. Quite frankly, I am scared to death. I know it is the right choice for me and all but the fear is building and I dont know how to calm down. I am putting on a really brave front for everyone else (my kids most of all) but inside I am in knots.
any advice??? I have this intense fear of waking up in the middle of the surgery....isnt that crazy!!
anyway, thanks for a place to come and vent. I wish I had found it during the first leg of my journey to healthyness! (is that a word LOL!)

Hi Amy!
Congragulations on your surgery date - its right around the corner! I can understand how nervous you might be about the surgery - I am sure when I get close to a surgery date, I will feel the same way.
Since I haven't been through the surgery I can't offer any advice, but I'm pretty certain you won't wake up in the middle of it!
Keep it together - you'll do just fine.

Amy, Congrats on youir surgery date. I am 8 months post op & also just had my hip replaced 6 wks ago. It is normal to be scared. You are putting control of yoir life in someone else for a time & that is scary. You need to be sure you have all the info you need & are sure that this is best for you & everything will go well. Just be patient with yourself & use a joirnal to get those feelings out. A brave front for others is ok but you need to have an outlet. Don't hesitate to email me anytime. I am on the site from work but we can connect oitside as well if you need support. Good luck. Pat
Hi Amy! Welcome to the NH board!
One of my biggest fears was being awake during the surgery and watching them work on me, but unable to communicate that I was alert. WELL, needless to say, I did not wake up or feel a thing
It is very normal to be scared. I have had 5 surgeries now and havent felt one of them. Do worry about that.
Try very hard not to think about it. I know that is easier said than done, but try as hard as you can. I cleaned my house continually before surgery. I could allow myself to think about it, or I would have ran screaming!
It really isnt that bad, the pain. It is more uncomfortable than anything. It is so worth it. How old are your kids?
You will be just fine! Come and vent anytime!