I am 6 years post op and have re gained alot of weight!!!
Hi there...
Well posting on here is a great first step. Admitting there is an issue is half the battle. The second step I would suggest is to get yourself to a support group meeting. There is a post op meeting in Portsmouth at the hospital next Monday starting at 5:30. At 6:30 our psychologist, Jeff Wagner has a "Back on Track" meeting. If you can't make that one, or you are too far away, there are support group meetings in other places, Manchester, Derry for a couple.
Until then, I would concentrate on getting back to basics. Track your food, weigh and measure, keep nothing but good choices in your house. We have a daily plan posting here, and those of us that post there find it very helpful.
Anyway, I am sure others will chime in here, but please keep posting and asking for help. We are all here for each other!
I agree with everything Martha posted , starting here is the best step. I would add are you watching your sugar intake? I know that is going to be hard for me once I am through dumping. I know now that it would make me sick and may continue to do so, but others don't have an issue with sugar. I would go back to basics 70g of protein a day, no more than 9g of sugar in any one meal and make sure you are getting your 80 oz of fluids in.
Welcome back and I hope this helps.
Best of luck & we are all rooting for you!
Good luck you can get back on track..Laurie
Everyone here is offering you good advice to help you get back on track, and I really have nothing additionally to offer. I just wanted to let you know that I feel your pain. I am 3 years out and am struggling to maintain my 30 pound gain! I can't seem to get even one of those pounds off despite my best efforts. All I can say is get back to basics. Write it all down - all of it. Don't eat anything unless you put it in a plate and set a place at the kitchen table where you will eat it. In order words, don't graze or eat in front of the tv. Even if they're good calories, they will add up, so you always want to be eating mindfully. Also, be sure to get in your exercise. I aim for 60 minutes a day a minimum of 5 days a week. I may not get to the gym on the weekends, but I run around cleaning the house, gardening, etc., so I'm still active on those days too. Good luck and keep posting here. Everyone on this board is a great source of support.
In a way I feel like I've failed, but on the other hand I'm glad I''m doing something about it before I gain even more.
The gain has been within this past year by having bad food habits creep back in.
I'm still exercising, but not as much as a year ago.
So do whatever works best for you...no matter what.
The only failure is not to try!