Tuesday's Plan

on 12/7/09 9:53 pm - Manchester, NH
Well, yesterday started out so good, but by the end of the day, I had fallen off my plan.  I ended up eating about 2 cups of Kashi cereal out of the box.  It's the "out of the box" part that upsets me.  If I had measured some out and eaten that, it would be okay, but I ate it mindlessly.  Then I ate 4 very small, but still FOUR OF THEM - gingersnaps after dinner.  Oh well, a new day dawns.

Breakfast - shake
Snack - light cherry & pineapple cottage cheese with cinnamon toast
Lunch - leftover pizza
Snack - maybe an apple
Dinner - 3 oz. turkey burger with veggies and small potato

I have support group tonight.  Not sure if I'm going to go.  I should, but I'm tired so I'll see how I feel after work.

Walk or gym at lunch

Have a great day everyone!
"I am not the skin I'm in, but the soul within."
on 12/7/09 10:11 pm - Nottingham, NH

Hi Kathy,

You are right, another day, another plan.....but be proud of yourself that you recognized the mindless eating, and let it go.  You should also be proud that it was Kashi cereal and not a bag of chips, cookies, or something worse. 

Yesterday, I stayed true to my plan.  I even ran/walked on our new treadmill for 35 minutes, then stretched and did band exercises.  It felt very good, but I did notice that I am not as stable on this treadmill as I am on the bigger ones at the gym....Also, my puppies absolutely hate it.  Mya just stood there and barked and barked. 

So here is my plan for the day:

Breakfast:  Greek yogurt and granola
Snack:  Kashi crackers and cheese

Lunch:  Wendy's chili and 4 saltine crackers
Snack:  I probably won't have a snack this afternoon,  because I am eating dinner at work.  I have a candle party right after work.

Dinner:  Kashi dinner

I will probably have a sugar free italian ice when I get home. 

The one thing I did not do yesterday, was drink.  It was noontime before I realized that all I had had to drink was a cup of tea....had to play catch up the rest of the day.


Winston Churchill

Date of Surgery - 8/15/2008
Bamma to Cameron 1/24/2006
on 12/7/09 11:24 pm - Hooksett, NH
Hi Kathy,

Don't sweat the Kashi.
  Like Martha said, it could have been MUCH worse.  Sounds like you're right back on track today.  Did you weigh in today?

You're not talking about the DHMC support group tonight are you?  I believe that was last Tue.  I didn't go.

I have been doing ok.  I get antsy at night and sometimes snack (like last night I had cheese then some of my white choc. chex mix.)  I keep telling myself I don't need to snack but somehow I get pulled into the kitchen.

Have a great day!

on 12/7/09 11:32 pm - Manchester, NH
Hi Lisa,
No the support group tonight is my group at Tufts in Boston.  That's why I'm hemming and hawing about going - it's a long drive for just a one hour meeting.  But I really need to go because I'm struggling with the snacking.  I did weigh myself today.  I haven't lost anymore, but I haven't gained anymore either.  So I'm grateful for that.  If I maintain through the holidays, I'll be happy.  I'm not so upset about my current weight.  My family and friends have all said that I look better, that I was too thin before.  I'm still in the normal weight range.  Five pounds less would make me feel a little better about myself, but that's really just a head-trip and me being stuck on a number.  I guess I have to get over it!
"I am not the skin I'm in, but the soul within."
on 12/8/09 1:21 am
i did pretty well yesterday with my eating a kept my calories around my daily goal and no snacking.. i did not get to go to the gym though 8-(..
today's plan
gym this morning (45 min)
b- shake
s-tuna and wheat thins
l- a cup of homemade chili
s-don't think i will need one today
d- i feel like baked fish and a salad

hope everyone has a great day and sticks to their plans and doesn't beat them selves up if they don't as long as we only stumble we are still making forward progress!


There is no need to look back unless you plan on going that way!

Cathy Gott Lambie
on 12/8/09 2:45 am - Loudon, NH
Nice to see all of the posts... Kath, I know exactly how you feel about eating out of the box.  I find that happening to me from time to time in terms of not  measuring, just diving into the fridg.  It's scary to feel that loss of control.  I sense it's going to be a lifetime struggle and I'm learning/practicing pushing the food away when I catch my senses (so not easy).

Oh Lisa, regarding night time snacking.  An issue here too... I have to force myself to go upstairs and away from the kitchen.  It's not like I'm hungry...

My plan yesterday was ok.  I normally do Jazz in the morning but got this idea to do it in the afternoon because it wasn't offered in the morn. so I got dressed and all ready then I ended up at the mall... I was running late and excepted the excuse.. hmmm  - Anyway, that was then.  This morning I got to Jazz!  :)

Martha,  I'm sure it wasn't real funny at the time but I chuckled at the visual of your puppy barking...  My cat follows me to the basement every time I get on mine and she stares at me until I am finished. (She's such a mommas girl)

Dave- You're doing great!  Sounds like you had the same kind of day I had but I bet you didn't end up at the mall...lol

 Follow me on Facebook  Cathy Gott Lambie

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