Dodgeball beginning February 4 in Portsmouth
Hi, it is me again....your dodgeball hound. I just wanted to let everyone know that I have started a dodgeball team for the winter session....I got so tired of losing, I am recruiting my own team and have many coming back from my first team. So, if anyone is interested here is the link to sign up, and our name is Thunderballs.
It is a lot of fun....great people, exercise, and yes you do have balls whizzing by your head, but it only hurts for a minute.
Go into Recreational League, Portsmouth, Thursday night. You will need to create a username and password. Then click on individual on a specific team (or something like that) Put in your info, and then hit continue. You can then pick the name of the team.
Hope to see some of you there.
It is a lot of fun....great people, exercise, and yes you do have balls whizzing by your head, but it only hurts for a minute.
Go into Recreational League, Portsmouth, Thursday night. You will need to create a username and password. Then click on individual on a specific team (or something like that) Put in your info, and then hit continue. You can then pick the name of the team.
Hope to see some of you there.