I'm back too!
Hello Granite Staters:
Wow, what a rough and tough week it's been. Doc said surgery went very smooth and the whole day my head was in a cloud. Tried to come home from Boston around 2:00pm and felt very nausated and nurse said I should stay a little longer. We left Boston at 5:30pm. Stuck in traffic in Salem, NH on 93 forever but I had my pillow and just kept nodding off. The next morning (Tuesday) I woke up and it was like the scene from the Godfather when the guy wakes up with the horse head in the bed. There was blood everywhere. My pj's were soaked. Had to hull my ass to Tufts in Boston. My mother took me and used my brother's new cadi so it was a smooth ride. Doc looked at me and said everything was fine. One of the incisions could have used another stitch or glue or whatever but as long as the blood wasn't brown I was okay. (Tufts is a teaching hospital so he probably had an resident do the work). Hade to have a compress and change dressing every 4-6 hours. So today is Friday and all 6 incisions look okay and seem to be healing. Still feel nausated and dizzy at times and of course I started my monthly cycle yesterday. They say that whatever surgery you have the 3rd day is the worst and boy was it ever. I did take liquid Tylenol but not the same as pill. Walked last night one house over and one house back. Very tired but everyday is getting better.
Wow, what a rough and tough week it's been. Doc said surgery went very smooth and the whole day my head was in a cloud. Tried to come home from Boston around 2:00pm and felt very nausated and nurse said I should stay a little longer. We left Boston at 5:30pm. Stuck in traffic in Salem, NH on 93 forever but I had my pillow and just kept nodding off. The next morning (Tuesday) I woke up and it was like the scene from the Godfather when the guy wakes up with the horse head in the bed. There was blood everywhere. My pj's were soaked. Had to hull my ass to Tufts in Boston. My mother took me and used my brother's new cadi so it was a smooth ride. Doc looked at me and said everything was fine. One of the incisions could have used another stitch or glue or whatever but as long as the blood wasn't brown I was okay. (Tufts is a teaching hospital so he probably had an resident do the work). Hade to have a compress and change dressing every 4-6 hours. So today is Friday and all 6 incisions look okay and seem to be healing. Still feel nausated and dizzy at times and of course I started my monthly cycle yesterday. They say that whatever surgery you have the 3rd day is the worst and boy was it ever. I did take liquid Tylenol but not the same as pill. Walked last night one house over and one house back. Very tired but everyday is getting better.