PRH folks: step by step?
ok lets see what i remember...
Got to the hospital at 6am for 7am surgery.
Checked in at the short stay desk.
Got taken into the exam room where they took my wieght... put me in a Johnny, gave me an IV, Put on this warming blanket thingy.... shot me full of antibiotics.
Then Dr pacuilli came in (thats when I started to get nervous)
Gave me some sort of sedetive....
Next thing i knew I was getting wheeled into the OR and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Woke up getting wheeled from recovery to my room. (approx 2-2.5 hours later )
Got to my room slept & slept... until I had to move and it hurt! Pushed my pain button and got nauseus.... I couldn't handle the morphine drip so they gave me something for pain and nausea via IV.
Next day they took out the catheter. I walked a bit. Saw Dr P. And slept some more.
Day three. Took out my drain. Walked, ate some jello, went home.
Got to the hospital at 6am for 7am surgery.
Checked in at the short stay desk.
Got taken into the exam room where they took my wieght... put me in a Johnny, gave me an IV, Put on this warming blanket thingy.... shot me full of antibiotics.
Then Dr pacuilli came in (thats when I started to get nervous)
Gave me some sort of sedetive....
Next thing i knew I was getting wheeled into the OR and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Woke up getting wheeled from recovery to my room. (approx 2-2.5 hours later )
Got to my room slept & slept... until I had to move and it hurt! Pushed my pain button and got nauseus.... I couldn't handle the morphine drip so they gave me something for pain and nausea via IV.
Next day they took out the catheter. I walked a bit. Saw Dr P. And slept some more.
Day three. Took out my drain. Walked, ate some jello, went home.
Start 260/ Surgery 249/ Goal 140/ Current 135 5.8"
Basically, walk into short stay, check in. Then wait til they call your name. You get weighed, then put into a room and put a johnny on. you meet with a nurse, she asks you a buch of questions.... Normal kinds... Last time you ate, allergic to anything.. etc. Warms your hand up for the IV. Give you some nasea meds and antibiotics and blood thinners I think. Meet the anistesiologist (sp?) they give you happy meds. You meet the surgeon, and I think Nancy showed up at one point too. Then you are wheeled to the OR. I remember first getting into the OR, then nothing else. I woke up in recovery, remember the nurse asking if I wanted to see my father, and I said my mother as well. I don't remember the ride to my room, but I got absolutely no sleep whatsowever theree.
You'll be fine! Don't worry about anything. Keep in touch, and good Luck!
PS. If you need anything else, you know how to get a hold of me.
You'll be fine! Don't worry about anything. Keep in touch, and good Luck!
PS. If you need anything else, you know how to get a hold of me.