x-tra skin
The amount of excess skin you end up with is related to the amount of weight you lose, your genetics and your age. Creams and exercise will not affect how much excess skin you have or don't have. You'll just have to wait and see how it ends up on you. I've lost 114 pounds, and I look like the saggy, baggy elephant. My arms, stomach and upper legs are very flabby. I'm contemplating a brachioplasty and lower body lift when all is said and done.
"I am not the skin I'm in, but the soul within."
Uh, I've lost 80lbs so far since my highest weight. I have loose skin issues. Nobody else has noticed or commented, but I see it. Of course, we're always harder on ourselves and we always see every little flaw. It's just human nature. I'm still hoping to loose 20lbs more. Eventually when I'm about 18months out or so I'd like a lower body lift and my arms done. Till then I'll just accept it. Heck, it's way better than when all that skin was bulging with fat! :-)