5 weeks post op !
Today I'm 5 weeks post op and starting to feel so much better. I had a great surgery - no complications. I'm still on mushy foods and getting ready to move to stage 5. (I'm a little nervous to go there). I've keep a journal of the hard times so I can look back at what I've gone through and never forget. I'm down 29 lbs since surgery and 84 lbs since my first visit with Nancy in February.
Not bad at all . Energy is still low but getting better. Thank you to everyone for their support along the way. You are all great people!!
Hello Rosemary,
It is wonderful to hear you're feeling better all the time. And what a marvelous weight loss! I'm trying to prepare myself to feel a bit weak and crummy for the first few months. Heck, I already have sleep apnea and enough issuies so I feel pretty crummy today LOL. BUt you are an inspiration and I'll take a brace from you. 5 weeks and you're already feeling much better. That is just great. Stage 5 - pretty scary. I'm sure it is good to go just as fast as you fell comfortable doing. Baby steps, eh? Thanks so much for the progress report. Treading
Very glad to hear that things are going well for you! 84 lbs is fantastic! Keep up the good work! Your energy level will increase as your body continues to heal. At 15 months out from surgery, I find that my energy level is so great that I feel like I am a kid again at times, but be careful, nature has a way of remnding us that we are not kids anymore! LOL (like falling asleep on the sofa as soon as you sit on it). Best wishes for continued success in your journey!