Question of the day 4/28 (Let's get this board active!)
I've had those feelings too- wondering if someone is making a snarky comment to themselves (or even out loud) when I get on the elevator.
Do you ever feel like people are looking at you when you are out in public, and heaven forbid, take a bite of something unhealthy? I look forward to the day where I can eat in public without wondering if people are judging me.
I'm nearing the start of my journey. My first appointment is on May 20th! I'm looking forward to:
- fitting into those smaller size jeans I have stashed away in the closet and givng away my big clothes. Then, I'm looking forward to repeating the process again when those clothes are too big!
- being able to wear shorts when I go for my walk without having blisters from my inner thighs rubbing together
- finally being comfortable in a bathing suit again
- knowing I've avoided the serious health rpoblems would almost certainly have been in my future as an obese "apple shaped" person
- not having hip pain when I push myself to walk further and exercise harder
You know that's something I'm working on. I eat so fast because I don't want anyone to see what I'm eating - even if it's healthy food. My surgury is scheduled for June 2nd so I'm working on it. I know I have to slow down. I'm trying to remember to put my fork down in between bites. And I'm trying not to drink with my meals another tough one.
I know all of the changes I have to make will be so worth it. I am so looking forward to feeling unashamed and free of the sterotype, most importantly being healthy !! It saddens me in some ways to know that I will still be the same (on the inside) but to most people they will see me very differently. Do you know what I mean?
I know exactly what you mean. I have been trying to slow down too, and that makes me realize how often I just inhale my food! When I met with my surgeon the other day, I asked her about why some people aren't succesful. One of the things she said was that you have to constantly take a bite, then evaluate whethher you're still hungry or not. I thought that was a really good way of looking at it, so that's what I've been trying to do.
Great question - sorry I'm a little late. It's such a good question, though, that I wanted to jump in. I second nearly everything else mentioned, but the big thing I'm looking forward to is traveling. There are so many places that I want to see, and we are finally getting to a place in our financial lives that vacations are a possibility. I want to be able to walk all day for sightseeing. I want to be able to go see the pyramids in Egypt, the Coliseum in Rome, the temples of Japan, Stonehenge...this all requires the ability to walk long distances as well as feel comfortable on a plane for a long flight. I can't wait!

H 336 / S 314 / C 294 / G 150