April Exercise Challenge!!!
Hey Gang! Sorry I wasn't right on top of posting on Fridays like I had planned to be!!!
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great with their exercise goals!!! My goal is 1500 for the month and I am currently at 1059. I hope to finish out but have been battling some sort of stomach bug so we'll see!!!
Would anyone like to step up and lead an exercise challenge next month? You could do the minute thing again or even change it to something else... Please post if you would like to lead, I think it would be great to take turns and keep everyone involved!!!!!!
I have 1,262 minutes for April. That's 62 more than my goal of 1,200, and there are still 3 days left to the month! I want to participate in May's challenge too. If I increase my goal by 10%, then I will have to do 120 more minutes, or 1,320 minutes for the month. So that will be my goal for next month: 1,320 minutes.
"I am not the skin I'm in, but the soul within."