Yes- thank goodness for the flex spending health accounts!!
Did you know ahead of time whatthe payment would be? I seem to recall reading in our insurance paperwork that I will have to pay a $100 copay to each surgeon (and I assume $100 for the anesthesiologist,) and then $100 per day in the hospital (but I am having lapband, so hopefully it will just be one day.)
Hi All,
Just wanted to quickly let everyone know that I've been advised by the Portsmouth/Parkland program that this indeed has everything to do with your insurance coverage: most likely related to deductibles and co-pay amounts. Some insurers require these to be paid upfront. You are hearing about it through the hospital because that's how the info is being routed -- but please be proactive and ask your insurance company and feel free to bring up this topic with Nancy as well as she can help steer you in the right direction about who to talk to moving forward.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Grant Sanborn
Portsmouth Regional Hospital
Parkland Medical Center