Lap BAnd costs?
Thanks for the response. It does help. I have been reading profiles and message boards to see what people have been paying, but it seems most are covered by insurance. I have insurance right now, but we may be losing it. So I am trying to figure out just how much money I'll need to come up with if that happens. We actually have a "WLS Fund" jar in our house where everyone just drops in their pocket change. It's accumulated almost $10 over the last 3-4 days. I figure every cent counts.
But anyway, do you know which surgery you will be getting? It took me a while to figure out what would be best for me. Now, I have to talk to my PCP (in about 1hr 25 mins) to see what she says about my decision and if she'll refer me to the surgeon.
Well, thanks again for the info. Good luck in whatever you decide.

i know i want the bypass for myself. im a sweet eater and love carbs. so i really want the more restrictive way to go. i know it is much more invasive. and more complicated but i know in my heart thats what i need...everyone is different......
im just at the beginning of this./.. and am just now getting insurance as i have just gotten married and will be on hime plan now. i did call them. and yes they do cover it. it has to be medically nesserary........ i do have a bmi of around 42 so i qualify....
im having a bit of a time now finding a pcp that is taking new patients. and HATE going blind trying to find a new dr... never mind saying that i want a referal right
i had been going to families first and always seeing the nurse practitioner there. so im thinking for now to get the ball rollin with them and then i could just change my pcp in time.......
i hope your appointment goes well for you!..... lemme know what your pcp said.....i'd be interested in hearing
i hope mine at families first will be on board
i love the jar idea!........ it ads up quick doesn't it?
i did that a few times for going on vaca with change...........the change does add up, but certainly not like bills would!
My appointment went GREAT! I got the referral! Now I just have to wait till the surgeon's office gets all the medical info they need and then they said they'll send me a welcome packet/appointment date. I am SOOOO HAPPY! Just that one little step was such a relief! So, for today I am relaxed and waiting to hear more. I'm sure by Monday I'll be ready to attack the mail man. LOL I'm not good at waiting for good news. Guess I better try to get that in check now or I'm in for one hell of a ride.
Anyway, I'm sending you a private message with more info. Talk to you soon.
When I went to the info meeting for Portsmouth Regional, we were told that the Byspass would be $33K and the lapband would be $17K for self pay.
Even with my insurance, it looks like I will still be paying at least $1K out of pocket. I LOVE the jar idea!! I ifgure that I will probably save a thousand dollars over the next year from not drinking soda and junk food! LOL!
I know what you mean...cutting out even just a few of the "no-no's" does add up. lol The jar also serves as some extra motivation. When I look at it, I think of why I'm here and what my goals are. Sort of helps keep me aware of my own actions. And for me, accountability is BIG!
Another cool thing about the jar is that it lets my family know I'm serious about this. It's right out in plain view. If they want to help, they can. If not, that's ok too. They still help by offering support. Win win situation.
Good luck with getting things going. Keep me posted.