Brand New----WHERE DO I BEGIN?
Hi Amanda,
I am right up the road from you. I live in Atkinson NH. There is an informational meeting May 24th in Derry for the Portsmouth group. They are great. I went to my first meeting in March and have had several of my appts already. Unfortunatly I have had a set back with an injured foot that is keeping me from excercising and a PT appt. UGH!!! There is also a group inLowell at the hospital. Check out the website called the will give you info on Lowell. For the Lowell group check out Parkland hospitals website. I am doing all my appts except the phsyc eval in Derry and the surgery is in Portsmouth. If I can help let me know. This board is great everyone is so friendly. As for your insurance call them and ask what their policy on Bariatric is. Good Luck with whatever you decide.
Hi before you can begin if you want surgery in NH at Portsmouth you need to attend a Public Info Session. These are very helpful and will give you some info about insurance process. Good Luck, Roxanne
Public Information Sessions
Public sessions are held throughout the year in both Portsmouth and Derry, giving patients the opportunity to learn first hand about the risks of obesity, hear detailed descriptions about their surgical options, and meet the surgeons and members of the bariatric team. These sessions are mandatory for anyone considering this program. Please pre-register before the seminar date by calling:
Portsmouth Public Information Sessions 2007
Portsmouth Public Sessions will be held at 6:30pm at the Frank Jones Center on the Route 1 bypass, just off the Portsmouth Traffic Circle. Which is off 95 coming into NH from Mass.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
To pre-register, call 603-334-2005.
Derry Public Information Sessions 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
For details on times and locations of the Derry sessions,
call 603-421-2404.
Surgeon, John P. Gens, MD, FACS
Surgeon, Kevin G. Looser, MD, FACS
Surgeon, Cynthia N. Paciulli, MD
Psychologist, Jeffrey M.Wagner, PhD
Program Coordinator, Nancy Seesman, ARNP
Immediately following the presentation there will be a Panel Q&A with specialists in other related fields.
Bariatric Program Support Groups
General Support Group
Portsmouth: 4th Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Classrooms at PRH.
Parkland: 1st Monday of every month at 6:00 pm in the in-service classroom at PMC.
Post-Op Support Group
Portsmouth: 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30 pm in the Classrooms at PRH.
Parkland: 3rd Monday of every month at 6:00 pm in the in-service classroom at PMC.
No registration is required for Support Group Meetings.{D3D28BFB-4FD8-45C3-A96A-2074E862DA4E}
Amanda, Here is the link to Portsmouth Bariatric Center. I forgot to include it before.

Hi Amanda- I just haad RNY at lowell General hospital. the Group there are wonderful!! There are 3 surgeons to choose from and I just can't say enough good words about all the support you receive from their group.
I went to my first info meeting on February 6th, 2007 and went in for the surgery on April 30th. One other good thing is that you only have to lose 5% of your weight before you can have the surgery and there is only one day of the liquid diet b4 surgery.
I live in Windham, NH, so it's pretty close to you, and the commute is a breeze.
They have an info meeting the 1st Tues of the month.
Their number is (978) 788-7200.
Let me know how it all works out and Good Luck!
hi ! im new too. i have been reading a some time now... but now im jumping in...
i called for the june 26th meeting to hear all about it and get the ball rollin!.........i have been thinking and researching this for a few years's time for me to have it done finally!. im so miserable at my weight. and have delt with this weight pretty much like a human yo-yo
june 26 frank jones center 6:30