Am home and doing great!!!
I had my RNY on Monday, April 30th. All is going great. I barely feel like I had surgery! Other than the 6 bandaids on my belly and some bruises on arms and belly, I would wonder if they actually did anything. Oh yeah.. and the NOISES my tummy now makes OMG!! LOL my son was across the room and asked me.. what the heck was THAT noise?!?! I never feel hungry so need to really keep track to get in my protein, and to take in all my fluids. So far nothing has disagreed with me, but i am not going to push my luck! I am on full liquids this week and meet with the NUT next week, so hopefully will progress to pureed. I sooooo want a poached egg LOL
Hope all is going well for everyone else!
Way to go Tammy I am so jealous. I meet with my coordinator on Monday for the second time. I have had my eval and meeting with the NUT. I am getting impatient. I am so afraid not being able to go to the PT for my eval with them is going to hurt my time. I havr to have a bone scan done on my foot in 10 days. They think my fall may have resulted in a stress facture in my instep which has been very painfull. Probably wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have so much weight bearing on it.
Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your weight loss. Oh and Allenstown is a really pretty little town. Been through it when I go to my sister summer place in Alton Bay and also Bear Brook state park with my summer school group.
Hi Tammy,
I'm so glad your doing good.
I have been thinking about you. I had to laugh at your tummy noises you said are loud. I remember getting up in the night for a couple weeks and my tummy would rumble like it was mad at me. Well the big part is behind you now. It will get easier as time goes by. Make sure you rest and try to get in tha****er. Later, Roxanne

Hi Tammy- I too had RNY on Monday. And I feel the same as you about the part of hardly feeling like you just went through surgery. Isn't it amazing? Also, my belly is extremely vocal. It is very weird. I have been getting in the fluids and protein shakes really fill me up, since I can't eat. I can't wait to have food, although I'm not hungry either. Good Luck and Best wishes!! Nicole
Thanks everyone!! I am now 1.5 weeks post op and still doing great. Met with the NUT today and she advanced me to Stage III diet !! WOOHOOO I can finally have a poached egg and some fish!! Not to mention many other foods that have TEXTURE!! The tummy noises have quieted down and only grumble at me when I have not eaten apparently within pouchies desired schedule LOL I am getting in my protein and water (finally!!)
Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!! the BF and I are going to a wedding on Saturday and my gown is champagne colored.. Since i am blonde and very light, I have been working on the tan this week
So that I don't fade away into the dress LOL (BTW I have to alter the dress tomorrow.. its already gotten too big (bought it back in February).