Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

on 4/26/07 11:38 pm - Derry, NH
Hi everyone- I have been lurking around reading all of the great info and suppot for the past month. I finally decided to jump into the mix! I am in the process of trying to decide which procedure will be best for me and my lifestyle as well as what program to join. I have heard really good things about Dr Ameri at Winchester Hospital and attended his info night. Now I think I should look into some NH programs. I live in Derry, so the Derry/Portsmouth option might be good. I am thinking the RNY would be best for me- but will also consider the Lapband. I am worried about the "long term" effects. Am I being paranoid, but god forbid, if later in life I am sick and can't meet my nutritional needs (cancer etc....)? Right now I am 39 with a BMI of 42 and just want to consider all of the options. I definately think that WLS will save my life and help me raise my 5 and 6 year old as an active, healthy Mom! So, my journey is beginning- with all of the research, decisions to be made, appointments, waiting, working, dealing with Insurance, etc..this process seems dauntng but worthwhile. Care
Angela D.
on 4/27/07 9:44 am - Rochester, NH
I think you should attend one of the info sessions at Portsmouth Regional Hospital. That's what sealed the deal for me. You get to meet the surgeons and other staff, ask questions and talk to other people who are in the same boat you are. I started the whole process back in February (with my first meeting with the nurse). There are A LOT of meetings and classes, and pre-surgery weight loss, but everything so far has been worth it. There are support groups once a month for people who are interested in surgery, people who have had surgery and their family--it's a great place to learn more about the process. Best of luck in your decision! :wave:
on 4/27/07 2:00 pm
Hi-I live in Windham, NH and I go to the Weight mangement center at Lowell General hospital. It is an extremely good program with 3 surgeons to choose from. There are several requirements which they all have, but I went to the info night on 2/6/07 and my surgery is this monday 4/30/07. As long as you can get to all the appointments and support groups, and your insurance covers this WLS you'll be in there in no time. What works great for me is that you go straight down Mammoth rd. and you're there....12 miles. Also, the support meetings are wonderful. All the staff are very helpful and inform you about everything. They have an info night every 1st Tuesday of the month. Good Luck in your search! Take care, Nicole
on 4/28/07 9:24 am - Derry, NH
Thank You so much for the info! I will check out the Lowell Program. Good Luck with your upcoming surgery. I can't believe how quickly your process was from info night to surgery date. I have thought about this for a long time so the sooner I can get moving toward my ultimate goal the better. I will meet with my PCP this Thursday. so the ball is rolling.... Thanks again and Good Luck on the 30th. --Care
on 4/30/07 2:45 am - Nashua, NH
I also go to the Lowell program. Dr. Michael Jiser was my surgeon and he is wonderful. I had my surgery a little over a year ago and am down 147 pounds since my first consult. They have an excellent program and a very caring staff. I live in Nashua and it only takes a few minutes to get there. Give them a call....978-788-7200- you won't be disappointed. Let me know if you want any more info!!! Good luck...Barbara
on 4/30/07 5:30 am - Epsom, NH
I was just where you are now about a year ago. I am 40 and had a BMI of 42. I went with Connie Campbell through the CMC and did lapband. They have seminars for each choice and they are good to go to and then there are meetings if your interested in a different approach of getting info. Read carefully each one and make sure you can live with you choice years down the road. Good Luck - the lapband has worked wonderful for me and I'm sure there are many success stories with RNY. Good Luck - just think where you will be next year at this time.
on 5/1/07 3:38 am - Derry, NH
Hi, I am from Derry also and had the lap band surgery done in Boston in January of 2006. I am now 52 and although the weightloss has been slow I am very happy with my decision. I am so much happier now that I have lost weight and so much more active. I can keep up with my 3 year old grandson without a problem. In fact I tire him out LOL!!! It is a huge decision and one that you need to consider carefully as this is life changing. I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you make. take care Linda
on 5/1/07 9:31 am - Rochester, NH
Hi Care, I had my surgery done in Portsmouth 3 1/2 months ago. I am also very happy with my decision. I had Bypass. I had type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol and on and on. I now am off all medications and have lost 66 pounds. I chose RNY because I am a sweet eater and carb addict and was told if I was both then maybbe I should consider the Bypass. I felt I needed more control. But I know some girls have had Lap Band and are very happy. It is a big decision. Get into a support group and Read Read Read. Good Luck and keep us posted. Roxanne
on 5/2/07 9:17 pm - Derry, NH
Thanks for all of the great feedback! I went to the Lowell Program meeting and was very impressed. I was pleased to see the surgeons, dietician, program director and RN all at the meeting. It was very professional and informative. The people seemed so down to earth. I like that the dietician has actually had WLS surgery herself, so she can really relate and educate! The list of support groups is so comprehensive- with topics from emotional eating, head hunger, relationships, vitamins, plastic surgery, exercise and just support groups for post-op pts. I think I have made one decision! I am going to proceed with their program. I will meet with my PCP today to see how she feels about the prospect of WLS. BUT, I have already made an appt for 5/9 at LGH for an intake- so my decision is firm. Now, to deal with friends who are skeptical and do not support the idea. Luckily my husband is supportive of whatever will make me happier and healthier- so that's what really counts! Thanks again for all the kind words- Care
Angela D.
on 5/3/07 10:40 am - Rochester, NH
I'm so happy you found what you were looking for! Congrats! About the friends who are skeptical: don't worry about them. This is something you have to do for yourself, and if your friends are not supportive, then you shouldn't be friends with them. It's excellent that your husband is behind you--you need a partner like him on your side. It can be rough going sometimes! I have only told my mom, my boyfriend, and my boss (and I only told her because of all the appointments I would be having). It's definitely a personal decision, but don't stress over people who aren't going to support you in the end. Keep smiling! Angela
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