Quiet board
Hi Scott,
Glad your out there. I agree with the sleep studies. I think I slept one hour
I had sleep apenea for a year but am glad to say I no longer need the machine since losing 66 pounds. Did they say you have Sleep Apnea? I was amazed when I first got the machine and used to it how rested I was the next day. Keep up the good work on your losing and before you know it surgery day will be here. Nice hearing from you.

What insurance do you have. I can't get my ins to talk to me. They will only talk with my PC. I too am going through Portsmouth. Love them. I had my eval with Dr Wagner and it went well. Met with the Kristen and am even more excited. I just hate the thoughts of going through all this and I am denied. I have struggled to long to have that disappointment. I meet with Nancy again Monday.