Quiet board
Hi all ,
Yes, Tammy & Roxanne it is a very quiet NH board. I had both my Eval with Dr Wagner yesterday and meeting with Christine the nutrtionist this morning. I am getting excited. I only wish I could do the insurance first so I know if I have a battle on my hands or not. I actually just added a comobidity to my list today. Went to the doc's for a foot injury I have had for several weeks and was told I have high blood pressure. Yikes!!!
I can't see the PT for a few weeks as I am having PT on my foot and ankle. Can't have two different PT"S with my insurance. Nancy said I could wait on that till I am healed. I will be going to the Parkland Hosp in Derry for my meetings with Dr W. I really enjoyed the relaxed meeting with him. Hope all are doing good. Maybe when the weather is better we could meet somewhere for a walk and talk.
Good morning Linda!
I am surprised by how quiet the NH board has been lately. When i first started this journey last fall, there were always posts every day.
I am sorry to hear that you hurt your foot! OUCH! I can relate the to high blood pressure, I have had it for about 5 yrs now. I am hoping that with the weight loss I will be rid of it, as well as my sleep apnea. What i wouldn't give for waking up in the morning feeling like i had actually slept!!.
I am having my surgery on the 30th at Elliot Hospital. Dr. Gould and his team are all very nice. I suggest you call your insurance company and ask what their requirements are. I did and was glad to hear that they didn't have any - other than the surgeon be on their list of "network" docs. I am currently on my 2 weeks of full liquids (not exactly fun, but I know that its the start of something GREAT!!)
I am soooo glad the sun is finally shining! Can't wait to go out for a walk later today.
Hi TAmmy,
Ouch is right it cuts into my walking. I did call my Insurance and they said they would talk to my PC but not me. We went round and round. Now that I have had my initial appts with everyone I am going back to my PC and I am going to ask him to do the referral now for me. He is really great and extremely supportive.
I am heading out on vacation tomorrow night so I will wish you all the best on your surgery on the 30th and look forward to hearing from you when I get back.
Hmmmm......did I know you were going through Dr Goulds' program. That was the first meeting I went to before I choose Portsmouth. I was there in Feb. , the place was packed I sat up back on a counter with others. I stuck around to be weighed but when I found out I could do everything in Derry which is much closer for me. I just have to go to Portsmouth for the surgery.
Well Good Luck next week. I will be thinking of you as you head into surgery and wishing you the best but also I will be jealous at the same time.
Hi Linda,
Well the NH board has really been quiet. I think just the 3 of us lately.
Hey Anyone Else Out There???? If your reading this jump in and say hi. We need our support group. I go on the January 2007 Surgery Board and they are an active bunch.
So make sure after your surgery to log into your surgery month. Dr. Wagner is very nice as are all the Drs. and Nancy. Will you have your surgery in Derry or will you come to Portsmouth? If you come to Portsmouth, the nurses on the 4th floor are really nice. That would be fun to meet and talk. Well enjoy the next few days. The weather should be a lot better. My hubby and I are taking off next week so I may not be on here after Friday but I will check when I get back. Roxanne

Hey Roxanne,
My surgery will be in Portsmouth but for convience I have all my appt. in Derry. I will be doing my meetings with Dr Wagner in Derry he does 2 hrs 3 times there instead of 5 times for 1 hour. Definetly would be great to get together at some point.
We are heading out too. Heading to Florida for school vacation. We will visit with our daughter in law, who is finishing out her last year teaching in Florida and coming back here. Our son is already back here working in his new job. Then we head to the beach for 6 days then back to the kids to help pack up the house with the two of them.
Not looking forward to the beach this year. I had to buy a new suit and cringed at the size and shape of the suit, not that I want a bikini or thong but...... LOL
Enjoy your trip and will chat when we get back
Hi all,
I'm here too! I check out this board each day, but I don't start posts very much, so I'm a "browser". I'm really pleased with how things are going - I'm down 50lbs since surgery on 12/6 and down 72 since I started the program!!! I'm going through clothes really quickly and will be making a trip to Goodwill this weekend. Hope you're all doing well! Becky
Hi Becky,
I like your new picture. I need to take some new ones. Right now I will use my little granddaughter's. You are doing great. I know you must feel wonderful. Can you imagine having all that weight to carry around? I sometimes get our dog food and it weighs 50 lbs. It is a struggle to pick it up and put in the shopping cart. I can't imagine I have been carrying 2 bags around. As of today I have lost 41 since surgery and 62 since surgery. I too am having fun buying a few clothes. We are going on vacation next week so I needed something besides my pants that fall off me. Well enjoy this beautiful weather as one never knows how long we will have it.
Nice hearing from you. Roxanne