How are you all doing this morning? Are we all getting ready for our surgeries, or doing our post-op diets and exercise?? This forum seems to have been very quiet lately. We need to start talking with each other folks! Sort of a "good morning, how ya'll doing?" sort of thing! Let's all support each other thru this journey we are all on.
Let me start this off.. .Today as i was getting ready to leave for work (was at the BF;s in worcester MA) i hear on the news that 495 north was CLOSED!! not a good way to start a day where we were already late starting for work! Well by the time we each got to the area of the accident, they had opened up at least 2 lanes so we can get thru.. but it was sllooooowwww! Well he made it to work iin Lowell and I made it to work back up here in lovely Merrimack NH (on time even!) Then my son calls me to tell me that we had SNOW at our house this morning (near Concord NH)!! Oh well.. weather in New England.. blink and it will change!
So.. how is your day going????
Thanks Patti! Friday was MUCH better!!! who can complain about a bright sunny day??!!! Best wishes on your surgery next week! My 2 week liquid diet begins on the 17th.. Surgery is the 30th... what a wonderful early birthday gift for myself! (birthday is May 3rd!!)
Here is to all of us being (as my darling BF would say)..
HOTTIES by this summer/fall!!!