Psych doctor for evaluation
I live in NH.
Does anyone have a good psych doc I could see for WLS evaluation?
I was stupid and told the surgeons office I would use my own, what a mistake, I saw him a few weeks ago. He wrote the worst letter stating that he did treat me for 2 years, but then he hasn't seen me in a year, that I was still on my meds and goign through my PCP. I won't get approved with that letter, so I am not going to use it.
I stated to him how I have my husband's support and I know all about the surgery. He wrote nothing in regards to the surgery.
I am soooo upset!
My surgery will probably be delayed now.
The doctors office was waiting for the letter to mail it to the insurance company.
Any suggestions?
just call your surgeons office and ask them to set uo the evaluation for the phych doctor. No big deal they wont even think twice about it. the surgeons Phych usually dosent last more than 15-20 min and they know just what the insurance companys are loking for as far as approvel. dont worry about it. Joann

First of all congrats on the 181 lbs weight loss!!!!! WOW that is wonderful!!! I don't even know you but I am so happy and excited for you.
The assistant to the surgeon gets back on Monday, so I'll check with her again to see if she make me an appt with their psych.
My PCP was mad at my own psych of 3 years for writing such an impersonal letter. She gave me new psychs to see for my meds, so I am going to change to someone who cares.
I had my upper GI and nutrition appt. yesterday. I'm have my surgery performed at Brigham and Womens in Boston. My cardiologist only wants me to go there, since he is with B&W, and I have had surgery there twice before and i love it.
I used Chestnut Hill Counseling Associates in Dover, NH, I believe I saw Dr. Cates. I had to use a provider covered under my insurance, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare HMO. He was awesome. He must have written a good report! I had my surgery on June 7, 2006 by Dr. David B. Lautz from the Brigham, I had my first fill today. Give their office a call.