Hello New Hampshire
I am in the preliminaries for Lap band,I just visited my dietician,and the nurse practitioner at CMC Hospital Manchester this morning.I weighed in at 264 today
BMI is a 47.
I also have GERD,Bladder leakage,and severe Plantar Faciitis,back and joint pain.I am happy that my appointments are being set up quickly,I have to set up my psychic evaluation today,I am meeting with the medical director at the end of the month.I am looking foreward to chatting with local folks who are going through the same experience as me. i was wondering if anyone here has been banded at CMC Hospital?
Glad to be here,
Pembroke NH

Hi, Anne in NH, I am Anne in NH, too!
Congratulations on your upcoming Lap RNY. I had mine at CMC with Connie and can recommend her and her staff, CMC, the nurses and all the good people at the Obesity Treatment Center with the highest praise and enthusiasm. This is the best hospital for WLS and Connie is a wonderful surgeon.
My surgery was May 30th and I feel so wonderful now. I weighed 278 at the first informational session at CMC and now weigh 205 (36 pounds pre-op and 37 pounds post-op).
If I can help you at all, please email me.
Good luck and best wishes,
Anne Welch
Hi, Julie,
I had Lap RNY at CMC; if you go to the monthly support groups - the next one is on August 7 (Monday) at 6 pm in the Roy Auditorium at CMC's main building - you are sure to meet folks who've been banded at CMC.
From what I've heard, they are pretty happy with their results.
Good luck and blessings,
Thankyou so much Ladies for your replies,good news is I have my appointment coming up with Dr Campbell on February 21st! I am excited,I have to get on Opti pre surgery,I have been having a hard time with that pre surgical weight,my brother died right before Christmas, its been difficult,but I will be successful at this no matter what.Thanks for all of your encouragement,I will keep you all posted