surgery done, tough time
well I am finally back home. I had surgury on july 25, 2006. (tuesday) I had some difficulties, I spent three days in ICU and was discharged late friday night. I was pretty much out of it for the first couple of days. I required 4 units of blood due to a very low H&H and had difficulty with the pain meds. I also had alot of problems with my B/P increasing and low O2 levels (in the 60% range). so I have come home with more meds than less. My abdomen is so very distended and brused (I think we discovered where all the bleeding was going) my whole left side and around my bellybutton are very tender and Black & Blue. My husband tells me that I came on to the Icu unit and told him that I had made a big mistake! (a little to late) I remenber on day # two when I just had an overwellming feeling of DOOM and felt like I was going to Die!! Luckly my doctor walked in as I was loosing it and reashured me, But he had a very worried look on his face. ( I dont think they like to hear their pts saying that!) It was problay because I was bleeding out and running a low grade fever and in alot of pain..
but the worst is over(I hope) I am really glad to be home in my own bed. I have to say the ICU nurse at saints memorial was the worst!! when I told hime about all the pain I was having over the drain site and upper abdomen, (where I was bleeding out!) he told me to ("Buck it up!)
and said "What do you expect when you choose to have your stomic cut in half) and a couple of hours later when I burst into tears over the lack of pain medicine, He chastised me for crying.
It was after that that I called my husband and told him I thought I was going to die in that hospitial, and to please call my doctor Asap and get me help.
well i think that I am going to go lay down now. I will post later. l-) thanks for all your prayers. (I am sure that is what helped me during the difficult time) Joann

Dear Joann,
Thank you so much for your post. I am alarmed at the treatment you received by a member of your health care team during your hospital stay. This is terrible! It unprofessional in the extreme! I hope that after you have had a chance to recover and regain some of your strength you will take the time and write a letter regarding this persons indifference to your pain and apathetic attitude about your emotional needs.
Completely unacceptable.
I hope that you have made a turn for the better with upturned thoughts and feelings regarding your surgery and the new life that is coming your way.
I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Anne in NH
PreOp: Surgery 8/8/06
Connie Campbell M.D.
Catholic Medical Center
Your hospital experience is unacceptable. When you are feeling up to it, I would definitely contact the hospital administration and lodge a formal complaint about the nurse in question. Nursing is a caring profession and he is a disgrace. I hope all goes well now. I live in Derry as well, but had my surgery in Boston at NEMC. Nursing care was OK, but nothing like what you experienced.
You will be in my prayers
Joann - I am with the two previous posters.....there is no excuse for the treatment you received from the ICU nurse. Their job is to provide care - not to judge as your nurse seemd to be doing. I most certainly would contact the hospital about this situation and lodge a complaint!
On a more personal note, I am happy to hear that you are feeling a little better and are home in your own familiar surroundings. Listen carefully to your body and call your doctor immediately should anything arise that makes you feel uncomfortable. Better to call and get advice rather than not call and worry.
Best of luck to you....things will get better and one day soon you will be feeling so much healthier with a lot more is worth it!
Warm regards, Bonnie

I'm so glad you're doing better now.
As soon as you are able, complain to high heaven. That kind of treatment is inexcusable and that nurse should be severely reprimanded - he gives nurses a bad name and his peers would be the first to turn him in. He is, at the least, a jerk, and, at worst, a danger to the patients unfortunate enough to be in his care.
I definitely feel very fortunate to have had my surgery at CMC; the nurses there are fantastic, professional and kind and took excellent care of me.
Good luck and continue to feel better.