BCBS of New England
I'm seeing Dr. Lautz on July 6, 2006 at Brigham and Womens Hospital, has anyone had him for surgery?
My cardiologist only wants me to see him.
I am 5' 4" weight around 204 with a BMI of 35. I have health issues. I'm hoping to get approved, I've tried everything, on xenical right now, no success, have tried it before with nothing and hospital based diets.
Gained weight after having health issues with pregnancies, that will never go away. I keep gaining more and more weight.
Anyone else with a low BMI get approved?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Debbie,
I had Dr. Lautz for my lapband surgery on 06-07-06. He is a fantastic doctor, one of the best in Boston for sure. He specializes in lap surgery on obese people.
I think your BMI may be a little low for approval purposes unless you have some comorbidties like sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Also, he does not require preop weight loss first unless your insurance company requires it and I don't think they do. You might want to check with your insurance company and see if they require a doctor supervised diet first, some do and some don't. His admin. asst Eileen is good at getting approvals.
Good luck on your appointment!
Hi Valerie,
Thank you for the post.
I know I'm worried about not getting approved. I just weighed myself today for the first time in over 1 month and I gained 2 lbs being on the xenical....I am 205, very very heavy for me. I do have some health issues. I had a sleep study, it only showed on sleep apnea..I was hoping it would show more. I have heart related stuff, GERB (really bad since I gained weight), blood clotting, restless leg syndrom, need iron infussions every few months, chronic venus insufficiency, high cholesteral, I can't go on meds for that because of the blood thinners I am on. I'll be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Plus I am disabled do to my venus stuff. Oh, my mom died a few years ago at 59 due to a massive heart attack, heart disease runs in my family on the women side, no one has lived past 59.
Did you have a high BMI?
My cardiologist down there is going to work with Dr. Lautz for approval. I really need this bad, I really want it bad. How are you feeling? Did you go home after one night in the hospital? Keep me posted on your weight loss. You must be so HAPPY!!!! I'll be so depressed if I don't get approved and probably gain more weight. I can starve myself and gain weight now.
My insurance company doesn't require a 6 month diet, but I have been on them all, even the hospital based one at B&W through Dr. Lautz's office. My insurance company has a very thick file on me, it has cost them a bundle over the last 7 years.
Insurance companies are strange though. They will pay for me to iron infussions which cost over $4,000, but they will not cover iron meds for me that cost $89 a month???? STRANGE?
Sorry so long...thanks for listening/reading.
Hi Debbie,
Gee, it sure sounds like you have a whole lot of medical issues. I do think you stand a good chance of getting approved. Eileen in Dr. Lautz's office is really good at this process. Yes, my BMI is quite high..around 52.
I spent just one night in the hospital and everything went smoothly. I have lost 16 lbs. so far. What procedure are you planning on having? I chose the lapband as it is less invasive and no malabsorption issues to deal with plus shorter recovery time. Plus I am 51 years old and minus a kidney due to kidney cancer 3 years ago so I felt this would be far easier on my body. I went back to work last week and I am doing fine. If you have serious iron issues, I would shy away from the gastric bypass surgery as all RNY'ers have to take iron, vitamins, etc. for life and some don't get enough nutrients even with the supplements. You have many more medical issues than me so do your research and get Dr. Lautz's opinion on which surgery will be best for you.
I wish you luck next wee****ep me posted!
Hi Valerie,
My medical issues are easy compared to what you have been through, I'm so sorry. I hope that you are okay. You have lost alot of weight since your surgery...good for you!! Wow, that is exciting, it must make you so happy. I know once people start to see the results they are more determined to keep losing and listen to the doctors advice about diet..etc. I know that it will help me if I have it done.
I want the lapband, I believe that is the only one my doctors would let me have due to the blood thinners I am on. Surgeries are a pain because i have to go off of them for 3 days before surgery, then back on right away..they might monitor me a bit to get my inr back up. I can tell right away that something isn't right when I am off of them.
I'm 40. I have cut out alot of foods since being on xenical, but nothing. Have you ever had water weight? I'm wondering if I do, I know in the morning when I get out of bed and stand up, I hear gurgling noises like water going through my stomach, the same noise you hear when you empty a 2 liter soda upside down . I see my cardiologist on Wed next week so I'm going to ask him. Its something new, I always seem so puffy, like I am 9 months pregnant!!! People have been asking me when I am due
... I see my cardiologist on wed then Dr. Lautz on Thursday. I made my psych appt (I see him for meds anyways), and my PCP is fully aware, and she wants me to call her after I meet with the surgeon. She said she will write whatever they want her to write..I know I have been in her office many times crying about my weight issues, she is very supportive and at least it is all documented.
I'll keep you posted!
Hey..my email address is [email protected] if you ever want to email me there.
Thanks for your support!

Oh I forgot one thing...I had open Gallbladder removal back in 1997 while I was 3 months pregnant. My gallbladder was very diseased...(I had this done at B&W also..so at least they have all my paperwork there). They had to open me up to make sure my liver was okay..it was thank god..but I have a hugh ugly scar.
Can you still have lap and be okay without a gallbladder? My GERD has gotten worse since I have gained more weight.
Thanks for your help!!!
Hey, I went to see Dr. Lautz too, and he was awesome. I was very pleased with program. Things want fast and relatively problem-free. I had Anthem BC/BS and was not required to lose weight. I was not even required to have any pre-op tests except routine blood work. Thumbs up to Dr Lautz, Eileen and the Brigham & Women's HOspital as far as I am concerned. Knowing what I know know, I would not consider going anywhere else. In fact, I go to that hospital for everything now.
It was approved the same day as Dr. Lautz's office submitted it, no problems at all (which is strange, because the outline of coverage I got in the mail said that there was no coverage provides for treatment of obesity, including surgery, whether or not is was medically necessary).
Good luck!