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J Brown
on 9/19/08 1:45 am - Omaha, NE
Topic: RE: Lincoln Seminar
You will find with people who have been through this we become family fast. "others" just can't understand what we go through. Only another WLS person can cry with joy with you when you say" I crossed my legs for the first time in 10 years" Who understands how a string cheese can taste like ambrosia when all you have had is liquids for 2 weeks. How you want to strangle some idiot who says " Oh, you took the easy way out". We are a unique bunch and of course I will be there for you. I am excited for you.. Blessings
Teresa J.
on 9/19/08 1:00 am - York, NE
Topic: RE: Lincoln Seminar
I really can't believe that you would offer to come and visit me after my surgery.  We don't even know each other.  You are a God sent Angel.  It is totally up to you, but I think it would be really nice to have someone there that has gone through this before.  I think my husband is just as nervous as I am, if not more.  My surgery is on Oct 7th at 10am.  My husband will be there with me as well and will be staying somewhere in Omaha if he can't just stay right in the room with me overnight, since we live 2 hours away.

Like I said it is totally up to you, but would be nice to meet you in person.  According to Ronda, I will only have to stay overnight and be dismissed sometime later on Wednesday.  Maybe my husband could use some support as well. 
Love to all and God be with all of us through our trials and tribulations!!!
Teresa J

Beth T.
on 9/18/08 2:10 pm - North Platte, NE
Topic: RE: Lincoln Seminar
Jean B. you are such a honey...
J Brown
on 9/18/08 2:55 am - Omaha, NE
Topic: RE: Lincoln Seminar
Liz said she will come with me !!
J Brown
on 9/18/08 2:54 am - Omaha, NE
Topic: RE: Lincoln Seminar
Oh darn !! I just cleaned my room and found a lot of pre-op instructions that I threw out. Because I had had a large scar from a gall bladder surgery my doc said I may have to have open RNY. I sooo wanted to have lap that I was on the liguid diet for 10 days before surgery instead of the 7 he wanted, I wanted a soft ,out of the way,pliable liver.. and it worked!! I was so happy. You may find in 2 weeks you will be more than ready for the conference. I am half a mile from Creighton, if you want a hand to hold or a visitor after the surgery I will be glad to  come see you. Blessings
J Brown
on 9/18/08 2:47 am - Omaha, NE
Topic: RE: Lincoln Seminar
I didn't mean to ignore you. My E-mail is [email protected].  Looks like both my daughter and I are coming. I am leaving on a weeks vacation to Ohio right afterwards and looking for the best airline rates. So there is a small possibility I will be leaving early and unable to attend if I find a $$ I can't beat, we shall see.
on 9/18/08 1:30 am - Grand Island, NE
Topic: RE: Lincoln Seminar
Wish I could take you up on the offer.  sounds like you are gonna have fun. 
I will probably just get my  butt up real early and drive down that day.  I am missing a lot of work and don't have the nervie to ask my boss for another day off.

Right now I am in Hunington, WV on vacation with my daughter.  We went to DC and then over here to an author's convention that she wanted to go to.  She had this planned for almost a year and would not cancel the trip.

I will get home on Tuesday ( I had planned on taking Tuesday off to go for a fill but will have to cancel that) and work a day and a half and then will take my daughter to Omaha, to have surgery.  She had been scheduled o have the surgery here in Grand Island but after some blood work her doctor sent her to Omaha to a specialist.   I am taking unpaid leave for the surgery and will probably have to take more time off taking her back and forth to Omaha.

Hope to see you all in Lincoln.

on 9/17/08 1:37 am
Topic: RE: Talked with my primary MD today!
Hi, I am so glad your physician is on your side. Both surgeries are good weight loss tools. Gastric banding doesn't mess with your intestine. You do have more followup but research shows that the weight loss is identical 2 years out with banding and bypass. The band is adjustable to your needs for optimal restriction. Gastric bypass patients lose weight faster. There is not as much followup but you have to deal with vitamin malabsorption. You have to take vitamins lifelong and get yearly blood work. There is the 12-18 month window where you will lose most of your excess weight. There are more complications with gastric bypass such as leakage, hernias, obstructions. Banding complications include slips, erosions, microperforations. Hopefully this helps. Feel free to call me if you need more information. My number is 308-630-2249. Mona RN, CBN Bariatric coor.
on 9/16/08 11:22 pm - Inman, NE
Topic: Talked with my primary MD today!
I finally went in to talk to my primary physician today and discussed my plans for WLS.  I really thought he'd be somewhat crabby about it but he was so excited for me.  Turns out he used to work with bariatric surgeons in Scottsbluff before moving to O'Neill.  I just need to way my pros and cons and determine which surgery is right for me.  I am considered a "light weight" because I am 260 and 5'9" so I am about a 39 ish BMI but I have a severl comorbities.  Can anyone give me some input and help me sway my vote from one surgery to the next? 
Teresa J.
on 9/16/08 2:19 pm - York, NE
Topic: RE: Creighton ?
I, too, am having a huge problem at Creighton, especially since Dr. Sudan left.  He was to be doing my surgery.  I had all of my pre-op tests done by April and didn't hear anything from Creighton, so I called towards the end of July.  After leaving about 3 messages, I was finally able to get a hold of the nurse coordinator, Ronda, who was very rude to me and basically scolded me because I waited so long to call them.  I guess I thought they would be calling me.  I know that all of my tests were faxed/sent to them as I checked on that myself prior to calling Ronda.  I was told that she was missing 2 tests and that as soon as she received them she would call and set a date.  Well, nothing was heard from her so two weeks later, I called again.  She told me that she needed 2 tests and acted like she never talked to me before.  This is how it goes when I call them.  Deon, the receptionist, is also very rude on the phone when I confront her about my phone messages getting to Ronda and why I have not been given the courtesy of a return call.  When speaking to Ronda, she tells me that she tried calling me, but I have no note of it on my cell phone.  I even have them programmed into my phone and she never leaves a message, if she does actually call me. 

That office is in a real mess.  I was having trouble with Deon again last week, she became very rude, I asked for her supervisor, and she hung up on me.

The only person that I seem to get any answers out of is the new billing clerk, Rose.  She is great to talk to and if she can't answer a question, she finds the answer, and calls me back.

Right now, I am waiting for my packet of pre-op info and RealizaBand info that Ronda said she was going to mail out last Tuesday.  It is now a week later and I still haven't received anything in the mail from Creighton.  I will be calling them tomorrow to see when she sent the info out, which I really don't think she has done yet.  My surgery is in about 3 weeks (Oct 7th)

The only reason I am staying at Creighton is because I have already done all of the pre-op tests and paperwork and don't want to start all over.  I have waited way to long to have this done.
Love to all and God be with all of us through our trials and tribulations!!!
Teresa J

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