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Jeannie D.
on 10/14/08 9:15 am - NE
Topic: RE: 2nd Annual Patient Reunion
Shelly,  I am coming to Lincoln but am not sure where the meeting is, ie, room number etc.  Will I be getting more information this week?
J Brown
on 10/14/08 5:22 am - Omaha, NE
Topic: Teresa( Terri) Check in Please
Just want to know how you are doing since your banding. Feeling OK? Hows the eating going? Check in Sista, we Care..Blessings
on 10/13/08 10:01 pm - Grand Island, NE
Topic: RE: One year check up
I hate to admit when I am wrong and my Dr. is right..................

I have not had anymore episodes of acid reflux since the restriction was removed and no episodes of vomiting or sliming.  

I am looking forward to the seminar this Sat. in Omaha.  I know last year when I attended it really was helpful.


on 10/13/08 11:22 am
Topic: RE: Hair Loss---HELP!
The beauty shops should have it. mona
on 10/13/08 9:35 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Hair Loss---HELP!
Thanks for the advice.  It has been really depressing to see all of my hair on the floor.  I mean it comes out by the hand fulls!!!  I have been taking the biotin since June...thank goodness.  Where should I look for the Nioxin shampoo???  Thanks again for your help!
on 10/13/08 9:04 am - Hastings, NE
Topic: RE: New Support Group in Hastings
Hi Mona

This information was on the letter I received from Primary Care Clinic. I spoke to one of the ladies sponsoring it and this will be my first meeting on the 27th.  I'll pass on your offers of help. 

Lapband Support Group

Medical Services Building (attached to Mary Lanning Hospital at 715 N Kansas Ave  Hastings NE 68901

5:30-6:30 PM

October 27th
November 25th
December 22nd

For more information contact:
     Michelle Jack   402-463-5666
     Shelli Calhoun 402-469-3815

Thanks for your help Mona--Cheri
 Lost 50#  pre-op  Start 318/Surgery268/Current 253/Goal 150 
Cami R.
on 10/13/08 4:50 am - Ravenna, NE
Topic: Anyone banded by Dr. R Armour Forse in Omaha?

Hello, I am new to forum.  I live in Ravenna (30 miles North of Kearney) and I finally got a surgery date for the band for October 23rd.  Yea!!  Anyway, in May I went to Omaha and went to a seminar at Creighton Medical Center with Dr. Ranjan Sudan.  So I have been completeing tests and such and trying to get BCBS to approve my surgery.  I finally do and now Creighton tells me that Dr. Sudan has moved and my appointment is with Dr. Forse and he wants to know if I want the Lap-Band or the Realize Band.

I am a little scared and put off because they didn't actually tell me I just noticed on the last prescribed test it had Dr. Forse's name instead of Dr. Sudan's.  I asked and they just said "oh yeah, Sudan is gone". WHAT?????  I am making this lifetime changing surgery and oh yeah the Dr. I met and learned about isn't going to be there and by the way you may want to decide which band you want, because the new Dr. likes the Realize band, and this is the first time I heard there were two to choose from.   Urrrggghhh.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.  I am glad to see there are some support meetings in Kearney.  I may try to attend one later on.


on 10/13/08 1:01 am
Topic: RE: Hair Loss---HELP!
Hi, I know how aggravating it is to lose hair. You can try Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. It is expensive but it lasts forever. Also taking biotin can help. I have heard good and bad with biotin.Make sure you are taking your vitamins daily. Your hair will come back but it will take awhile. Good luck. Mona
on 10/13/08 12:57 am
Topic: RE: One year check up
Hi Barb, I agree with your surgeon. You needed fluid taken out instead of taking medicine. You were in the red zone with your band. You also weren't able to eat solid food. You could have started eating high calorie liquids and gained weight. That is why it is so important to call your surgeon FIRST when you are having problems with your band. I hope you are feeling better.  Mona
on 10/13/08 12:52 am
Topic: RE: New Support Group in Hastings
Hi Cheri, congratulations on getting a new group going. If you will give me your contact information and group information I will give it to my patients from the Hastings area. Also since you are going to Dr. Taddeucci, give Shelly Holman a call and she can help you with your group. She is hosting a bariatric reunion this saturday. You would get a lot of info out of it. Good luck on your group. Mona
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