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Topic: RE: Howdy!! It's been awhile!
Hi Jess, I have been wondering how you are doing. It is great to see you doing so well. Keep us posted.
Topic: RE: Looking for employment, please help
Hi Sheila, I do not know where you live, but I work for the Good Samaritan Society-Hastings Village, and our insurance is BCBS of Minnesota. WLS is covered. I know I have waited 7+ years becasue of that reason then I changed jobs and found out that I am covered here. I am in the process of getting all the "stuff" together to proceed. Good Luck to you and do not give up hope !!!
God Bless,
Topic: RE: New member
Hi Amy, welcome to the group. I am glad you are doing well. Keep us posted. Mona
Topic: RE: New member
Hiya Amy,
Welcome to the BAND! I hope you find it as life changing as I have. I usually go to the support group meetings so might meet you there someday! Also, if you have ANY questions--ask away, there is an abundance of knowledge on this board!
Topic: RE: North Platte Meeting for April 3rd.
so do we wear out sweats???? Im so glad we have you!!!
Topic: RE: Howdy!! It's been awhile!
Good for you Jess, I really like it when people go to support groups. This surgery is truly a miracle....getting out health back, getting our life back and for you a new baby boy!! How lucky you are. I am nearly 5 years out with the band and love life more each day!...keep in touch,Later and Lighter, Beth in NP
Topic: RE: New member
Let introduce myself...I'm Beth from North Platte and you will be so healthy and happy the rest of your life. Just think this summer if you want you can swim, play ball, the skys the limit! Just be sure to attend your local support group meetings and follow Dr. H and F's orders. You may email me anytime...Later and Lighter, Beth in NP
Topic: Howdy!! It's been awhile!
Hi everyone! Welcome to all the newbies around here! I just wanted to check in with you all. Life is grand here in Nebraska, well for me anyways! I'm still loving my band! Things are going well with this pregnancy! I'm now 26 weeks along. Time is flying by! I've gained a whopping 6 or 7 pounds! It's amazing the difference this band makes! It still kindly reminds me it's in there every now and then. I've got 3 more months and then I'll be back to being a loser again! Yay!! I still go to the local Support Group, when I can. Well I just wanted to let you all know how I'm doing.
#2 EDD 7/5....It's a BOY!