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Topic: RE: I'm a newbie!
So good to have newbies on board. I am two years out. I will be more than glad to try and answere any questions that you might have. We have several support group leaders that frequent the Nebraska board. Anyway, welcome, welcome, welcome. Hazel
Topic: RE: Where's Jill007??
Jillie girl has been in the hospital. She managed to swell her opening to the point that nothing would pass so she was admitted to the hospital for a few days. I wasn't able to post and let you know, since I took her up and spent the time with her as her support system. Hazel
Topic: RE: Febuary Meeting Reminder
Hope you have a good meeting. What is the topic of your meeting? I can use all the ideas that I can get. Hazel
Topic: Febuary Meeting Reminder
Just a reminder the North Platte Weight Loss Support Group meeting will be next Tuesday @ 7:00p.m.
Topic: Post-op Wow Moments
You knew there were things you were missing out prior to your weight loss surgery, but you didn't realize how much until you started having life changing wow moments. We are looking for all kinds of post op wow moments from your every day life. If you have a wow moment you would like to share with the readers of OH Magazine, please send your one-two sentence wow moment, along with a high resolution photo of that moment, and your name, address and email address to: [email protected] and we will consider it for publication.
Ronda Einbinder
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer

Topic: Where's Jill007??
Haven't heard a peep from the Chick. Anyone know what's going on? Kinda worries me, her being MIA

Topic: RE: I'm a newbie!
I also had the same fears you did, but then I realized if I kept on the same way of life I was going to die from diabetes, heart attack, stroke or someother disease that my obesity could cause.
Both my parents were diabetic, both had heart attacks and both were obese.
I said to one of my Dr.'s that I was concerned about complications and he said to me that my chances of being in a car accident on the way to his office were greater then my chances of having complications from the surgery. I guess that comment helped me overcome my fear.
I had the surgery 3 months ago and have never regretted once. I have lost 60 lbs which I have never done before in my life after being on every kind of diet there was. I think they put my name on the revovling door at Weigh****chers.
I have had to have both hips replaced because of arthritis that was probably brough on by being obese. My sister has had one hip replaced. If I had done something years ago it would have saved me these surgeries.
As far as the lap band went I was in the hospital overnight home the next day and let my hubby pamper me for a week or so, I milked it for all it was worth. : )
Good luck on whatever you decide to do.
Topic: RE: I'm a newbie!
Thanks so much. I am just trying to make a definite decision whether or not WLS is right for me. I'll be honest - fear is what is holding me back. I am so afraid that if I have this done I will die or have some huge complication. It's scary! But it's just as risky being 350 lbs.

Topic: RE: I'm a newbie!
Hi Ari and welcome
I have not been on this board very long, but I can tell you the people are great here. I had lap band surgery about 12 days ago and I am doing just great. Had my surgery done in Omaha and very happy I did it. I am 62 years old and I wish the lap band would have been invented 40 years ago, I would have had a much more enjoyable life. Welcome aboard Linda eloc29