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Topic: RE: Tooting My Own Horn !!
Topic: RE: I'm a newbie!
Topic: After getting food stuck !
I'm not sure why...But not enough is talked about concerning the problems after choking on food. I've spent several days in the hosp. after spending a week & a half having trouble swallowing ( and vomiting ) after having food stuck. Doc says ..after a person has this problem (first thing... get on bariactric liquid diet...once you can even swallow.) And stay on it a couple of days. Giving yourself time for any swelling to go down. Because I didn't do that (did not know that)...I'm now on bariatric fluid for another week at least ! I now must wait several months before my port can be replaced. I can't stress enough chew, chew, chew,chew !!!!

Topic: RE: Where's Jill007??
Is Jill in the hosptial in Scottsbluff??
Does she have a phone in her room where I can call her.