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Topic: RE: Port Installment (again)
Thanks Barb, How are ya do'en ? Well I hope. Hope to see you on Tues. at t/support group meet. We've missed you. I've been going to t/ Fitness Center here in town everyday. I tread water in the deep end for an hour & then attend a 45min. water class. Boy, do I feel better. It's been a great thing for me. I wake up some days & really dread going out in t/cold to go in the pool , but after I get there I'm so glad I did. I found a little secret to warm up. Before getting dressed...I take a break in the hot tub
( that seems to help.)
Topic: RE: Port Installment (again)
I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Third time has to be a charm..........
Topic: RE: Losers Bench
I look forward to keeping in touch. So far everything is going great , though there is a lack of hunger so i have to remind myself to get my protein shakes in.
Topic: Port Installment (again)
Doc's nurse (Dot) called this afternoon. My port replacement is on the books for Feb.26th. She wanted to know if I wanted to go full speed ahead. The answer is a BIG YES. I sure how all goes well this time. I've had nothing but problems for a while now. Haven't been able to eat meat & other hard solids for weeks. Doc wants me to stay on liquids (runny stuff) up until after the surgery. They don't want to take any chances. Wish me luck ! You know what they say.....Third Times The Charm ! Ha ! At least , I hope it's Ha ?

Topic: RE: Losers Bench
Topic: RE: Losers Bench
Hi, welcome to the losing side. Just remember you don't have to walk the journey alone. We are always here for you. Let us know how you are doing. Mona

Topic: Losers Bench
Well I have finally joined everyone on the losers bench. I relize this is only a tool and success depends on me, myself and I.