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Topic: RE: Plastic Surgeon in Omaha?
Hi Sally, Sometimes your bariatric surgeon can recommend someone who works with bariatric patients. Make sure you can take a look at pictures of patients they have done. Ask what experience they have with bariatric patients. Good luck. Mona
Topic: Plastic Surgeon in Omaha?
Has anyone had plastic surgery in Omaha? I'm specifically looking for someone with some expertise in the thigh and butt. I have lots of excess skin so would prefer someone used to working with bariatric patients.
Sany suggestions would be appreciated,
Topic: RE: The trip home.
I like you ejoy frequenting old cemetaries. I love the carvings and the epitates. I haven't had a chance to do that for awhile. I also love to hunt the little towns that once were thriving communities and have fallen to little and sometimes nothing. Enjoy the coming spring. Hazel
Topic: RE: The trip home.
What a great topic !! Yes we do live in beautiful country and it is so nice to have the time to enjoy it now and then. I am a district officer in the American Legion Auxillary over 13 counties in Iowa. I travel to differant meetings in small towns all over. I am the type of person who gets lost in a paper bag ( so proclaimed by my kids) so at first I was afraid to do these jaunts into the country, But now I love them, the rolling hills, the silos and animals. Pure beauty. I am also a cemetary freek and I find a lot of back roads ones. I am so glad spring in close so things will green up soon. Blessings

Topic: RE: BCBS of Nebraska
My BCBS of NE covered it as long as I had a BMI of at least 40 (or 35 + at least 1 comorbility), had been overweight for at least 5 years, be at least 16 or older, and didn't have a documented reason why I couldn't lose weight. I didn't have to do a diet thankfully. You should call BCBS of NE and ask "Is there an exclusion on my policy for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity?" If there is an exclusion you will have to self pay. If there isn't an exclusion, then you will have to do whatever else our policy lists as a qualification. When I originally asked BCBS stated that treatment is NOT covered EXCEPT for covered surgical procedures. I asked what the covered surgical procedures were Roux en Y Gastric bypass, Gastric stapling, Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, Laparoscopic or open gastric banding (e.g., Lap-Band) and
gastric bypass. Of couse your policy could be different.
Topic: RE: The trip home.
Isn't that the truth. If we don't stop to enjoy what is around us, what is life really worth and when you look at all we have gone through for that life, it would be a sin to waste one second of it. Just like my little calf. I look for him every day on my way to and from work. Hazel
Topic: RE: The trip home.
Reading all of these messages. Made me think of when we drove out and looked at the cranes last year.
I remember my grandpa and mother in law would go look at them and would invite us to go along and I thought how boring. Boy was I a snot nosed kid back then.
I love going out and seeing the sandhill cranes , have yet to see a whooping crane. It is an amazing site to see right before sunset.
Makes me realize we need to stop and smell the roses and enjoy life.
Topic: RE: BCBS of Nebraska
Thanks for the is very encouraging. I didn't want to have to go thru the 6 month PCP dietician visits. I did contact benefits (HR dept isn't very helpful) and they did state is was covered. I know the Dr.'s office is going to put in for authorization. I have my fingers crossed. Thanks again.
Topic: RE: The trip home.
Hi Hazel, I know what you mean. I live 10 miles from home. On the way home I get to see our beautiful sunsets. When I go in early I also see those gorgeous spring sunrises. I have seen a deer or two. It makes you appreciate Gods work. Mona
Topic: A Goal
" A goal is not the same as a desire, and this is an important distinction to make. You can have a desire you don't intend to act on. But you can't have a goal you don't intend to act on."_Tom Morris