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I "know" you from the post-op pregnancy board, as I am one of the "lurkers" over there! I have a 9 month old! I have heard so much about Sadie! The zoo down here is great, definately worth the trip to Omaha. There's also the Durham Western Heritage Museum (near the zoo), and the Sac Air and Space Museum out near Gretna and Mahoney State Park. Debbie
Hi, I'm from northern MN. We are planning a family trip to the Dakota City area in the middle of May. Just thought I'd stop by and say hello to the NE folks and see if anyone has any ideas of fun things to do while we are there. We're staying with family so luckily we won't have lodging to pay for. Looking forward to just getting out of town LOL. We have an 18 yr old daughter, a 15 yr old son and a 18 month old daughter that will be coming along.....just thought the ages might help as far as activities go.